The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Brain Squirrels?

These brain squirrels running around inside my head can be a real annoyance sometimes. Brain squirrels, or for some people brain weasels, are those annoying little rodents running around and causing dis-ease, doubt, distractions, and various negatives to get in the way of just about everything. Working with them can be challenging. I think everyone copes with this in some form or other.  No matter our intent or general thoughts, feelings and actions, these random, little, mostly annoying thoughts just

Pathwalking 181

What do you want to be when you grow up? We all got asked this question along the way. The answer, unsurprisingly, changed as we got older. The thing of this is – why did that answer change? Sometimes it was based on who we are and what we learn. We often want to be very different things as children than we want to be as adults, or else I suspect we’d have far more lion tamers, acrobats and bulldozer