The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why or Why Not?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Do you ever find that you are asking yourself why or why not a lot? Often the topic can be similar, but it’s just a matter of approach.  Why take that chance?  Why not take that chance? Why is a question we ask constantly, pretty much all of our lives.  Why is the sky blue?  Why are those people holding hands?  Why did he/she/they dump me?  And

Positivity: Forward Motion

Life is always in motion. You will find that even when you are idle, things progress. The world is never perfectly still, life never actually comes to a stop. We are always moving along. Humans have an astounding number of choices for how our lives can be lived. The rest of the animal kingdom of this world pretty much lives for survival, but we do so very much more than merely survive. We are builders and destroyers, creators and evaluators