The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Do We Compare Ourselves to Others?

There is no need to compare ourselves to anyone else. Each of us is unique.  We have our own gifts, our own talents, our particular, special way.  Yes, we are made up of the same basic molecular structure, and our souls are all interconnected…but we are still separate, unique consciousnesses. Consciousness creates reality in part because what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom is our singular consciousness.  Our lot is not just to survive, propagate and thrive,

How Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?

They say that familiarity breeds contempt.  Whether you apply this to a person, a place, or a thing, it tends to ring true. This is where the comfort zone exists.  It is familiarity, it is the known, and it provides us with a sense of ease and contentment.  If we get too comfortable, change becomes that much harder.  Change is, of course, inevitable. Familiarity is not necessarily a bad thing.  But too much time with the familiar leaves us feeling

Don’t Panic!

Don’t panic! Two little words, but some of the best advice you can receive. I woke up this morning, and I was feeling pretty good.  Decent night’s sleep, looking forward to taking care of some business and writing today.  But then a little voice in my head reminded me of an issue currently on my plate.  My heart rate began to accelerate, I got butterflies in the pit of my stomach, and my mind began racing through all the terrible,

How Do I Give My Intention Attention?

Do I have enough intention and desire to go where I truly want to go? That’s the question I am trying to answer currently.  As I am walking my chosen path, I have to examine if I have sufficient conviction. Why is that important?  Because if I do not put enough thought, feeling and intentional action into this, I will remain stationary.  I have to give this more than just lip-service in order to achieve my goals. It is my

What is Well-Intentioned Resistance?

As you walk your chosen paths, you will meet well-intentioned resistance. Well-intentioned resistance is when people give you news and information that is “for your own good” or to “tell it like it is” or to otherwise offer advice, in order to keep you from making “poor” choices.  This comes from those closest to you, and can be very disconcerting. Society has certain norms and expectations of us.  We are supposed to go through the motions.  You work five days

What do you do when the path gets scary?

Walking along the path of your choosing can sometimes be scary. This is frequently because in choosing your own path in life, you will incur both internal and external criticism.  The internal is the result from when you step out of your comfort zone; the external is the reaction you get from those around you as you break from the accepted norm. Pathwalking is about choice.  It is about consciously creating our own reality, and seeking out our own destiny. 

How do you recognize if you’re walking the right Path?

How do I know if I am on the right path? This is probably the most basic, yet most challenging question to ask.  The answer is both amazingly simple, and yet fairly complicated. Pathwalking is making choices about living life, in order to work to consciously create our personal reality as we want it to be.  Rather than simply going along with life and letting whatever happens, happen; as we walk our chosen paths we strive to be present and

What are challenges vs struggles with Pathwalking?

Pathwalking can be fraught with many challenges. I long ago came to believe that nothing worth having is ever easy.  But there is a difference between challenge and struggle.  Challenge involves growth and proactive change, while struggle is stagnation and reactive change.  Challenge is deciding to change, while struggle is forced. Many of the challenges in Pathwalking are due to outside influences, some which we can control and some which we cannot.  Recognizing this is the first step towards working

Why Walk Your Own Path? You Control More Than You Think

You are in control of more than you believe yourself to be. This can be a particularly difficult concept to believe, but that doesn’t lessen the truth of it.  You are in control over how you think, how you feel, and how you act. I know that sometimes it feels like that control is really, really limited.  Truth is, however, that the only limitations are those that you yourself place.  Otherwise, you have far more power and capability to change

Pathwalking 281 – Intention

Intention is the reality of control. When you take an intentional action, you have a purpose, and are not just doing some thing for the sake of doing the thing.  Intent means there is a plan to gain something from the action taken. I have been writing more or less since I began Pathwalking that one of the main reasons to walk one’s own path is to take control of your own destiny.  I want to create a unique, interesting