The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

When the People Who Share My Heart Don’t Get Me?

How do I handle this along life’s paths? My family largely doesn’t get me. They love me, I know that. But they don’t get me. What does that mean? I do things, take approaches to matters, and live in ways that cause them to scratch their heads, wonder how I can possibly be content or happy this way, and probably question my sanity. My dating habits and relationship choices in my 20s and 30s made no sense to them. That

A Not-So-Bitter Pill to Swallow

Releasing a long-time fear isn’t the bitter pill I thought it might be. For most of my life, the opinions of others have been of the utmost importance to me. I’ve sought approval, recognition, and generally being liked. More and more, though, it’s become increasingly evident to me that this doesn’t matter. At least, not in the way I tend to emphasize it. What do I mean? The short answer is that the opinions of others are not what makes

Who Stands by You?

As you traverse your paths in life, who stands by you both matters – and doesn’t. Introverts or extroverts, human beings are social creatures. Some people need the energy and connection – literal and figurative – of others in their lives frequently. Some people need that same energy far less often. But it’s a fact of life and human nature that we’re social and need at least SOME interaction and connection. When I began to be more authentic in how

Balance for Yourself and Those You Love

Nobody is truly alone in this life. There needs to be balance for yourself and for those you love. The paths I have chosen to take for my life are mine alone. They have similarities to the paths others take – but they are still unique to me. However – I am not a single solitary figure. I have a wife, friends, and family I love deeply, and various people and responsibilities I have taken on. So, while living my

To Not Get Together with Family This Year is Good

To not get together with family this year increases the odds of doing so next year. This is an ugly truth. But, as a result of people choosing to get together at Thanksgiving, the numbers of COVID-19 cases and deaths have been ramping up. This week ends with Christmas, which for many people represents the biggest of family gatherings. However, the pandemic is NOT over. Yes, there is a vaccine – but it’s important to recognize a vaccine is NOT

Stay Home and Share Thanks Apart

It may feel negative, but the positivity of choosing to stay home and share thanks is immeasurable. Here in the United States, Thanksgiving is coming up. This holiday kicks off the season since it is immediately followed by mass consumerism leading up to Christmas. This year has been one of the most difficult for virtually everyone I know. Between the ongoing pandemic, a contentious Presidential election that the loser refuses to concede, and continued uncertainty stemming from both – the

Family Has Multiple Definitions

Family isn’t necessarily blood and can be a source of tremendous positivity. You were born into a specific family. If you are anything like me, they have some interesting quirks, foibles, and other oddities about them. As you grew up, you may have grown closer…or further apart. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family. For the most part, however, they’d don’t get me. I have taken many paths over the years that have confused and confounded them. My life,

What is Family?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Family is not always that which you are born into. Family can be the chosen people whom you love. These are the people for whom you would move mountains, who you know have your back, and who you confide in because they get you. There is tremendous positivity in recognizing, acknowledging, and being a part of that family. I am not disregarding the families we are born

What is Self-Help?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The key to self-help is right there in the name. Self.  Help.  As in you help your self. Ironically, despite this idea of working with ourselves to help ourselves, people still seem easily inclined to give up their power, and turn to others to improve their lives. There are certainly plenty of times where we need the help of others.  Doctors can treat illnesses and prescribe needed

How Am I a Puzzle Piece?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   We are all a puzzle piece in this world.  We all fit together…but not always one with the other. Every single one of us is connected.  We all come from the same source, the same oversoul, or if you prefer, God/Goddess, Powers-that-be, etc.  As such, we are all one, or at least all part of the greater whole. Each of us is a puzzle piece that makes