The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How is the Unusual More the Usual Than the Unusual?

Who decides usual from unusual, anyhow? I have never been called normal. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Being unusual is my usual. As a kid, I was different from those around me on many levels – both physically and emotionally. As a teen, because of where I grew up, I was a good head shorter than most of the other boys my age. Unusual tended to be an apt descriptor for me. Like most teens and twenty-somethings, I

Are You Good to Yourself?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You are the only you that there is.  Be good to yourself. Too many of us get caught up in the world around us, and as such tend to neglect ourselves.  We are concerned for our coworkers, friends, family, and loved ones long before we are concerned for ourselves. The irony of this is that when you are good to yourself, you are more capable of being

What Makes You Laugh?

Do you laugh often enough? I am not just writing about a chuckle here and there, or a derisive snort.  I am talking about a thorough, complete, can-hardly-breathe-almost-crying laugh.  A laugh of pure positivity and joy. We all know that there are some pretty awful things going on in the world.  Everybody has their struggles and their challenges.  But we also have endless possibilities and options, and chances to find things that bring us joy. Know that you are worthy

Are You Having Fun?

Never neglect doing things that are fun. When I was between 11 and 14, I went to overnight camps in upstate New York.  Sometimes we would take hiking treks offsite.  On two or three occasions, we went hiking at a place called Kaaterskill Falls. I absolutely loved this hike.  The falls are in two levels, the middle level having a clear pool one can swim in, and a natural amphitheater behind the falls.  This was one of the hiking adventures