The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What is Morality?

This post contains affiliate links. For more info, see my disclosures here.   Morality is a matter that gets skirted around a lot these days. Unless you are living under a rock, and to some degree I kind of envy you if you are, you see the travesty happening in the United States Senate currently.  The hearings for the President’s Supreme Court nominee are a total circus.  Despite multiple accusations of sexual misconduct, there is almost an entire party, comprised

Atonement from What?

Today is the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.  It is the holiest day of the year in Judaism.  It is on this day that those who practice Judaism ask God to forgive them for all the sins they may have committed during the year, and once again inscribe them into the Book of Life for the New Year. I was born and raised Jewish, and used to attend services every Yom Kippur, and as is tradition I would fast on

How does a Change of Scenery Help?

Sometimes you need a change of scenery. This can be a tiny shift, or it can be rather immense, depending on the time and situation.  A change of scenery, however slight, can go a long ways towards building Positivity. Clean off your desk, rearrange your furniture, change out your décor, change your body wash, look at some digital images you have on your computer or phone or online.  Reposition and move about the small things around you that you can.

Why do High Frequencies Matter?

What is the importance of high frequencies? To put it simply, high frequencies feel good and draw good things to us.  Low frequencies feel bad, and draw bad things to us. Despite having broken this down before, I believe that it totally bears repeating. Everything throughout the entire cosmos is energy.  From the smallest subatomic particle to the biggest galaxy, it’s all energy.  Along the way energy changes form, sometimes taking tangible shape but frequently remaining intangible. Whether you believe

What Does The Future is Now Mean?

The future is now. I always thought that an odd phrase.  But then, when you take the Law of Attraction into account, it makes perfect sense. Consciousness creates reality.  In being conscious of the here-and-now, the future is made. If our present reality is the result of our past thoughts, feelings, and actions, then by being wholly in the now and totally aware and present we create the future.  As such, the future is now. I have spent this week

How are we Luminous Beings?

“Luminous beings are we – not this crude matter.” – Yoda. Sure, this quote comes from a small green Muppet in an epic sci-fi story…but that does not lessen the truth of the statement.  At our core we are beings of pure energy.  The meat popsicles we see running around the planet are not who we are when all is said and done. Why does this matter?  Because we are beings of pure energy, rather than these bodies we present

What Does it Mean to Live in the Now?

To live in the now is ultimate positivity.  Why?  Because we are living. No matter our present circumstances, we are here, living in a world of incredible abundance and possibility, now.  The positivity of this is incalculable. I know that this can be difficult to believe.  I struggle with it, too.  There are responsibilities, bills to pay, weight to lose and other matters that don’t feel so positive.  Yet when we live in the now, we can experience a higher

How Do You Celebrate the People in Your Life?

Celebrate the people in your life every day. There are any number of holidays upon which we remember specific people.  Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day and Labor Day celebrate individuals or groups.  But we should do all we can to celebrate people every day. While I often discuss here the idea of self-care and doing things for ourselves, it cannot be to the detriment of people who are in our lives.  Even the most introverted amongst us

What is Mind?

I have been working on better quieting my mind. Yes, I know that as human beings, we are ALWAYS thinking, always processing stuff.  I also know that we are capable of finding stillness and peace, and turning the brain “off” for periods of time.  This is something I am currently working on doing more. Why?  Because it’s not, at least for me, about stopping thinking.  It’s about getting the inner dialogue – specifically the uncomplimentary aspects – to be silent.

How Does Joy Empower?

Joy empowers us. When we do things that bring joy into our lives, we make ourselves better, stronger, and happier.  Joy raises our frequency, and lets us attract more of the things we truly want for ourselves. Yet we frequently will deny ourselves joy.  Why?  A number of different reasons, of course. First is the external.  In a society so focused on lack and scarcity, we wind up made to feel guilty if something makes us feel joyful.  We begin