The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do You Know That You Are Capable of Truly Amazing Things?

Don’t sell yourself short. One of my favorite lines from the original Star Wars, though Han Solo said it at the time in extreme arrogance, in another context resonates with me. “Sometimes I even amaze myself.” Here’s the thing. Do you have even the slightest inkling of what you’re capable of? Beneath your conscious mind, but not entirely connected to your subconscious mind, you have truly incredible capabilities.   For some, this manifests in obvious ways. Such people are empaths,

Should You Open Yourself Up and Share With More People?

You alone have the answer – but here’s why I think it’s YES. Secrets can be useful in many ways. When it comes to national security, for example, certain secrets keep people from hacking into various systems and shutting down the power grid or something equally bad. Secrets also can make room for surprises. You can’t throw a good surprise party for someone if you don’t make secret plans and keep that someone out of the loop. But secret-keeping can

If You’re Empowered Do Other People Become Disempowered?

Empowerment is not a zero-sum matter. When you’re empowered nobody becomes disempowered. One of the most dangerous false narratives in our society today is around what equates to selfishness. In many respects, nearly every act of self-care, self-focus, and anything else that puts you first is considered selfish. If you don’t give enough time, energy, work, and what-have-you to your family, friends, and community – before self-care – you’re being selfish. This false narrative is the bedrock of a far

I Owned Up to My Mistake and It Essentially Worked Out Okay

When you own up to a mistake accountability is empowering. I presently work 3 jobs. First and foremost – I work for myself. Writer, editor, storyteller, podcaster, blogger, etc. I’m taking action and doing things to build the life I most desire to have for myself. Secondly, I’ve been working for this amazing entrepreneur for the last year. She has multiple businesses and tons of amazing ideas. I am both her personal assistant and the managing director of her brands

How Are We More Capable via Genuine, Non-Toxic Positivity?

Genuine, non-toxic positivity opens us to empowerment, potential, and possibilities. Unless you live under a rock, no doubt you feel that the world has gone slightly mad. I could provide lots of examples here – but it’s not necessary. Our fear-based society seems hell-bent on providing more reasons every day to feel uncertain, concerned, distressed, and generally negative. This means that every day we get to choose if we’ll let the fear-base in the collective consciousness of the world dominate

You Can’t Please All of the People All of the Time – That’s a Positive

Recognizing who you can and can’t please is a highly freeing, positive act. You may or may not be familiar with this quote attributed to both Abraham Lincoln and John Lydgate, “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.” If you are a people pleaser – this is a bitter pill to swallow. But

How Can Today Be Made into a Notable Special Occasion?

You can choose to treat today as the special occasion you desire for it to be. Our culture has a major love affair with celebrating special occasions. These include birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, graduations, and many massive achievements like promotions, marriages, births, and so on. The focus, however, often gets rather narrow when it comes to defining a special occasion versus the everyday. People put so much energy, time, attention, and investment into a given special occasion that they ignore all

One Path in Life Always Leads to Another Unique Path

So long as you’re alive – at the end of this path you will have another. Conscious reality creation is an ongoing action. Along this line, choosing a path for your life experience is not a singular act. There are multiple paths for our lives – some of which intersect while others run parallel or even perpendicular. Career paths, relationship paths, creativity paths, recreational paths – all are options and choices before each of us. Some are made more consciously

Do You Get Back Up and Focus on New, Stronger Confidence When You Fall?

Everybody will fall from time to time. How you get back up, however, is a choice. Last week, I began a couple of new freelance gigs. This has been excellent. I am enjoying doing both. They are quite different from one another – and each completely in my wheelhouse. What’s more, they feel very much as if they are part of my path. However, in getting adjusted to a new timetable and the requirements of these new gigs – I

Satisfaction or Success?

What if it’s not success we truly seek in life – but satisfaction? I have been on multiple quests throughout my life. Along the way, I have sought a place to truly call home. Not just the location. The notion of home – where I am rooted and meant to be. Though still a bit vague – I have found that. I sought a career. There were many different job ideas that I pursued. Radio DJ, theatre, graphic arts, journalism,

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