The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Communication Is Never Just Words

Communication styles vary in many ways. It’s never just the words you use. Even the written word can convey a degree of tone, intent, and attitude. Communication is a complex mechanism of expression employed to convey ideas. It’s how you and I can share notions, agree and disagree, and expand (or, frankly, shrink) our overall knowledge base. Communication can be both internal and external. When you are thinking about this, that, or the other thing, you’re communicating in your head.

Why is Doing the Uncomfortable Thing Positive?

Growth comes only from leaving our comfort zones. As I’m writing this, I’ve reached the end of my third foray to Farpointcon. This sci-fi con in Maryland has allowed me to meet and hang out with other like-minded geeks. As a guest author, I also get to sit on some cool panels and get an hour at a table to sign and sell books. Despite being an actor in HS, a DJ in college, and serving as a court herald

It Goes Well Until It Feels Like It Stops Going Well

Everyone experiences this and has choices for what to do with it. Things have, despite a lot of craziness outside of my control, been going well of late. I’ve been in therapy again and getting a lot out of it, feeling good about who I am and where I’m going, and it’s all been feeling like it’s steadily improving. Today, I hit a wall. To be fair, there were some extenuating circumstances. Yesterday morning I stepped on the scale for

Why Does Getting Over Feeling Hurt Take So Long?

Even unintentional hurt that we are made feel tends to linger. Someone that I care a great deal about hurt me. Let me be clear about several facts in this matter. First – I know it was not their intent to cause me hurt. They were in their own odd headspace, and it made them less receptive to the impact their actions had. Second – Given our history, this should not have come as the surprise that it did. Yet

How Do You Wear Your Scars?

Scars can be sources of pride or regret. What do you choose? Everyone has scars. It’s true that some people have no physical scars to show. But emotional, mental, and spiritual scars are just as impactful. Visible or invisible, scars are a part of life for everyone. Some are very superficial while others run deep. Scars are like receipts – they’re proof of purchase for life. What does that even mean? Nobody lives in a perfect bubble. Period. Everyone has

How Can Patience Build Positivity?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Patience can be a real stepping stone in generating more positivity. When we are patient, we allow for the time that may be necessary for change.  When we do not focus on why we need this thing or that right here, right now…we can better focus on the thing coming to us. More often than most of us realize, patience pays off far more than impatience or

Why Be Better?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The answer for me is simple.  I want to be better because I know I am not at my best. What does that mean?  That means that, on a deeply personal level, I am aware that I am not all that I can be.  There is room for improvement, and I can be better than I am in many ways. Why be better?  Because I desire more

Five Steps to Change our Emotions

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Each of us has the ability to change our emotions. Yes, I know that this seems like a lie, but that doesn’t make it any less true.  We are each able to control how we are feeling.  You and I have the ability to change our emotions. It’s important that we recognize several facts about how emotions work, and how we are able to make changes to

Why are Rest and Relaxation Important?

When was the last time you allowed yourself real rest and relaxation? I am not talking about sleep, or a little weekend escape, I mean actual, factual relaxation and resting from your responsibilities? Modern society frowns on taking breaks.  We have this incessant need to go go go, and anybody who doesn’t reflect that is either lazy, entitled, or otherwise not contributing to the greater good. Is that total bullshit, or what? Yes, the human body needs to rest.  Sleep

Why Don’t I Understand?

There will always be things I just don’t understand. Some are emotional.  I know people who feel certain ways about certain things that I simply cannot fathom.  No judgements, this is just a statement of fact. Some are logical.  Some judgement here, given notions like flat-earthers and racists and misogynists and the like.  I just don’t understand how logic and reason can go out the window for easily disproven beliefs. For a long time I have said that life is

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