The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Merging Two Paths

I am currently on two paths. They share several things in common – but are still not the same. I have a habit of being more than one thing at a time. Some of this has been a response to attempting to do two things at once. On some occasions, this has been about me working a “normal” job while pursuing a passion at the same time. Over the past year, now, I have been working on a singular vision.

Finding What is Needed on the Path

I am exploring finding what is needed on my path. Just because I know the path does not mean I am completely enlightened. I know where I desire to take my life. When it comes to who I am and who I desire to be, I am completely aware of both locations and the complexities of building the bridge between them. So here I am, more than 7 months into writing full-time, and I am still trying to figure out

What Is Passion?

What are you passionate about? This is a question that a lot of people tend to neglect.  They go about their lives, doing the things that they do, some for themselves, some for other people.  The answer to that question is a shrug of the shoulders, a tilt of the head, possibly even a thoughtful, “Hm.” Tony Robbins ends every section of his Personal Power series with, “Live with Passion.”  This has nothing to do with physical and sexual intimacy,

Why is How I See Myself Important

How I see myself is of far more importance than how other people see me. Jen Sincero said it well in You Are a Badass – Self Perception is a Zoo.  It is a bunch of very different, multiple, diverse animals we keep caged up, but let run free in the world from time to time. There are at least five ways in which I see myself in this world.  Different identities that I tend to show the world. The

What Does It Mean to Do It?

Do it.  Two simple words that have amazingly tremendous power. There is something to be said for planning.  Some people need plans to do the things they do in this life.  And there is equally something to be said for impulsiveness, too.  Sometimes you just gotta go go go.  But whatever you are looking at, action is required.  That means you have to do it. For many, myself included, doing one thing led to fear that it would or could

What Makes Me Feel Satisfied?

I have worked any number of jobs that didn’t leave me feeling satisfied. We all have to earn a living, right?  You can’t just laze about your home, on a beach, or wander aimlessly all the time, because clothing, food and shelter cost money.  Also, frankly, doing nothing at all gets pretty boring pretty fast. When I started college, I remember preparing to register for my first classes.  It was orientation, and I had not yet chosen my major.  I

Where Is My Intent?

I have been working with the question of the intent for my life a long time, now. For decades, my answer was usually, “I don’t know what I want.”  I became particularly skilled at saying “I don’t know”.  Over time, my indecision extended out to include restaurants, jobs, relationships, hairstyles…you name it.  When it came to decision-making, I left that to anyone else that I could. Less than ten years ago, however, I began to really think about what I

How Do I Express All My Appreciation?

I am not sure I can fully express just how much appreciation I have for each and every one of you who follows my journey. When I began The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, I had no real direction, and just randomly posted from time to time.  Almost six years ago I started Pathwalking, and with that developed some direction.  Now this entire blog has a purpose, and it is my hope that you’ll stick with me as I explore

Is This Writer’s Block?

Not sure if I am dealing with writer’s block, or just simply having issues creating a topic today. Writer’s block can take on many different forms.  Sometimes it’s just a lack of ideas.  Other times a lack of inspiration.  From time to time, it’s a lack of motivation.  Certainly it can be a combination of all of the above, too. For me, there are times I just get distracted.  Might be a useful distraction, or it might be nothing but

What Makes For Success?

You name it, I will write it.   Does this let me be a success? I love to work on fiction.  I began writing sci-fi at age nine, and I have been working on my fantasy series, The Source Chronicles, for about twenty years.   There is something about fantastic worlds that I just love to write out.  It’s exciting, and frequently invigorating. Almost six years ago I began regularly blogging.  One weekly post has become three, and the theme of the