The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What’s So Positive About Getting Shit Done?

Getting shit done feels good. When you’ve given something you’re doing a ton of focus and energy, and then finish, how does that make you feel? Have you ever put a great deal of effort into a project, and after it was done, felt a sense of elation, relief, and/or completeness? There’s something to be said for the power of getting shit done. Yet it’s all too easy to get so caught up in the various acts of doing that

What Is Tenacity?

Tenacity, like patience, has never been my strongest suit. One of the keys to succeeding at reaching the destination of any given path, though, is tenacious resolve. What does it mean to have tenacity?  It is best described as the ability to stick-to whatever you are trying to make happen.  I often picture this as a dog with her jaws fastened to a stick she just will not relinquish.  She would rather hold onto it then let it go, even