The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Choose Any Path at All?

Why choose any path at all? You always get to decide things, whether consciously or subconsciously. Doing so consciously gives you influence and control. There is no reason that you need to choose a path in life. You can simply go about your day-to-day activities, and let life happen. This might make you perfectly content. You may enjoy what life has to offer, and the adventure of your life may be ongoing and already acceptable to you. If that’s how

Are Extremes Real or Artificial?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The world is seldom the extremes we are presented. There are many reasons why this is so, but the extremes of our world, the polar opposites, are seldom where anyone or anything actually exists. I believe that a lot of the emphasis on the extremes is because they seem easy.  Either/or situations can be made to feel simpler than having more choices on the table.  What’s more,

Why Does Your Vote Count?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Tomorrow is an election day here in the United States.  Do not neglect your vote! If you want to see change in the direction the nation is heading, this is the best way you can DO something about it.  Get out there and vote. One of the greatest rights we have in this nation is our ability to vote.  Despite all the messages of disempowerment we receive,

How Do I Empower My Reality?

I need to empower my reality. Every week I write about how consciousness creates reality.  I get into detail, and explore the various ways in which this works.  This is something I have been developing and exploring for many years now. The grand idea behind this is the Law of Attraction, the idea that like attracts like.  When we take our thought, power it up with feeling, then use that to act intentionally, we do the work to manifest reality

How do you Empower your Power?

Empower your power. Today in America is Independence Day.  It was on this day in 1776 that the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the original 13 colonies.  That action birthed a nation that has been both loved and hated across the globe, with ideals of freedom, liberty and independence that would change the greater world around it. “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them

Power is an Illusion?

Power is an illusion. Most of those who are “in power” have either assumed it, been granted it, or otherwise had it conferred upon them in some form or other.  Yet in reality, it is not real.  The idea of power is what generates it, and it is a complete and utter intangible. There is a difference between power and empowerment.  Empowerment may also be intangible, but it is feeling.  Because it involves feeling, it carries with it a greater

Can Gratitude Change the World?

It is difficult to feel gratitude in the face of overwhelming unfairness, cruelty and disdain. Expressing gratitude, however, is a fundamental building block for creating change. I find the news extremely disheartening.  The United States is being led by a petulant, narcissistic man-child and his unscrupulous associates.  Long-standing institutions that made the nation a world-leader are being dismantled or massively corrupted.  Allies are being alienated.  Congress cannot be bothered to do their job and fix this in the name of

Will You Be Silent?

Do not be silent when you need to shout. See atrocities happening?  Feel angry, distressed, disturbed, incensed?  Make your voice be heard, and tell them this will not stand. We are being bombarded by almost surreal amounts of negativity.  There are some pretty terrible things happening out there, and they cannot be ignored.  No matter how much we try to stay away from all this bad news, it is impossible not to recognize the awful things that are happening. Hard

How Powerful Can Thank You Be?

Thank You are two of the most powerful words available to us.  Thank you is one of the most powerful phrases we can employ. We frequently neglect just how powerful the words we use are.  Words matter.  What we say has an enormous impact on the world around us. When we recognize how powerful our words are, we develop the power to make more of the world around us.  We can choose to alter our feelings, perspective, and world view

How Do We Resist Hate and Fear?

Hate is never the answer. We are all different.  You and I are not the same.  Even though we might have some similarities, we are still different.  We are individuals.  That means that each and every one of us is unique. Yet, at the same time, we are all one.  Every single one of us, at our core, is just a being of light and energy. We live in a fear-based society.  Recognizing this, we have to work extra hard