The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

You Know This

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Positivity is better than negativity.  You know this already. Why?  Because positivity is good.  Good can be applied to any number of things in your life, both tangible and intangible. Negativity is bad.  Bad can be applied to any number of things in your life, both tangible and intangible. When it comes to feeling, I think I can safely say that most of us desire to feel

How Can Change Generate Positivity?

Change is inevitable, but can be a huge source of positivity. Let’s face it.  Everything changes.  The world evolves, and whether you want to admit it or no, change is going to occur. Seasons change.  The weather changes.  We humans have a unique ability to change our clothes, our homes, our lives, and our minds.  Changes just are. Often we just let change occur.  The world is turning, things happen.  Sometimes we accept this.  Other times, we resist it. It’s

What Is Reality?

Reality is how we perceive the world around us.  It both is and isn’t that simple, of course. No less an authority than Albert Einstein said, “Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one.”  What that means is that what we perceive as our reality is different for everyone. To me, this thoroughly supports the notion that consciousness creates reality.  Since the reality we perceive is completely individual, and a persistent illusion, isn’t it completely logical that we can create

Positivity: New Directions

You can always choose a new direction. Whether metaphorically or literally, you always have options and choices as to the directions you choose to take. If life is not where you want it to be, if you are unhappy and feeling stuck – you can examine why you are feeling negative, and you can determine new directions to find positivity. Metaphorically, this might mean a shift in attitude. Are you seeing things in a positive or a negative light? It