The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Election 2016

I am sorry if this offends you, but I feel rather strongly about this, so I am going to say it. This is the reality of the situation.  We have two choices for President.  Trump or Clinton.  Unless you agree with a self-aggrandizing, hate-mongering, sexist, racist narcissist, it is in your best interest to vote for Clinton.  She may well be the status quo, and a corporate shill, but that is of far less import than we give it.  I

Election 2016

I am sorry if this offends you, but I feel rather strongly about this, so I am going to say it. This is the reality of the situation.  We have two choices for President.  Trump or Clinton.  Unless you agree with a self-aggrandizing, hate-mongering, sexist, racist narcissist, it is in your best interest to vote for Clinton.  She may well be the status quo, and a corporate shill, but that is of far less import than we give it.  I

Taking a Stand for Equal Rights for ALL

It is time to take a stand. Full disclosure: I am a white, straight, non-Christian male.  And I believe that EVERYONE deserves equal rights. I do not care in the least if you are white, black, Hispanic, Asian or what-have-you; it does not matter if you are male or female or gender fluid or no gender at all; it doesn’t matter if you are straight, gay, bi, omnisexual or any other option; it is of no matter to me if

The Wrong Side of History

Dear haters, bigots, misogynists, and homophobes, Congratulations – you are on the wrong side of history. I am sorry to tell you that your hatred will not change public policy. Blacks, women, homosexuals, Hispanics, Hindis, Muslims, transgendered, fat and thin people and everyone else all will win equality, because that is what is right. There is no “gay agenda”, except maybe they want to be treated like everyone else. There is no Muslim world take-over conspiracy, the vast majority of

Equal Rights and Religious Freedom

The United States of America is NOT, repeat, NOT a Christian Country. Period. End of discussion. Further, please correct me if I am mistaken, but didn’t Jesus preach equality? From the low to the high, all are children of God and should be respected as such? Who do you think you are claiming your hatred, your bigotry, your discrimination, or your misogyny is in the name of God? Let’s discuss another absolute fact. There is no war against Christianity in

Back to the future?

When did 2013 become 1950 all over again? In history class, when I was in high school back in the very early 1990’s, we studied the civil rights movement and learned about all the progress the country had made since the likes of Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and so on and so forth. In the year 2008 we elected the first black man to the Presidency of the United States.  Amazing! All that progress, all that

A different perspective on the issue of guns

There is no short term solution to this problem.  Let’s just start right there. You cannot take away all the guns.  Period.  And for all of you thinking this is what will happen – IT WILL NOT.  Period.  It may become harder to acquire guns, but no one will be coming into your home to take yours away.  Let’s just start there. And just because the government will likely make it harder to get guns – let’s be real.  If

It is certainly NOT the end of the world!

The world is NOT ending in December of 2012. Let’s just get that notion out there, right now. Seriously, people.  I don’t care that the Mayan long-form calendar ends, or that the planets are aligning or there will be a harmonic convergence or what-have-you.  The world is NOT coming to an end in a few months. Let’s look at all the world-ending prophecies we’ve had.  Just recently there was that crazy radio guy claiming the world was supposed to end


Ever notice how easy it is to place blame?  Often, I don’t think we even realize we’re doing it. How many of these sound familiar?  I should never have listened to you.  You’re responsible for leading me there.  If I hadn’t taken your advice, this would be alright.  If my boss wasn’t so stupid, work would be great!  If you weren’t holding me back, I’d be successful! Shall we pay a visit to blame – noun; verb (used with object) 1. to hold responsible; find fault with; censure: I don’t blame