The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do You Deserve What You Desire?

Do you do things that you desire to do? It is all too easy to do things for other people, and to do things that are “expected” of us, and ignore what we desire for ourselves. Some of these desires are little things, like sitting down to read a book; eating ice cream; watching a video; taking a walk; playing a game; and so on. Then there are the desires to do big things, like take a vacation; start a

Will You Get Uncomfortable?

Getting uncomfortable on purpose seems kind of backwards. Yet when we leave our comfort zones and work our lives away from familiarity, that’s precisely what we’re doing. I hate this part. There is nothing more disconcerting than effecting a major change in your life.  Really, how crazy is it to move away from the comfortable, on purpose, in order to create something that may be better…or, possibly, might be worse? But that is how consciousness creates reality.  We make our

Are You For Rather Than Against?

When taking a stand, it is important to be for rather than against. Why does that matter?  Because when you are for a thing, you are proactive and working on action.  When you are against a thing, you are reactive, and usually working with inaction. Carl Jung said, “What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size.”  Consciousness creates reality.  Because of this truth, when we stand against a thing, since that is where all of our focus

Why do High Frequencies Matter?

What is the importance of high frequencies? To put it simply, high frequencies feel good and draw good things to us.  Low frequencies feel bad, and draw bad things to us. Despite having broken this down before, I believe that it totally bears repeating. Everything throughout the entire cosmos is energy.  From the smallest subatomic particle to the biggest galaxy, it’s all energy.  Along the way energy changes form, sometimes taking tangible shape but frequently remaining intangible. Whether you believe

Can Logic and Emotion Coexist?

Can logic and emotion coexist? There are many times that these two notions seem diametrically opposed.  And yet they do both exist in everyone.  But the balance and conflict between these concepts can be surreal at times. First, a necessary clarification.  Logic, in this particular example, is thought and reason without emotion.  This includes the performance of any number of actions, tangible or otherwise, with no emotional entanglements. To super-simplify this, the root of the issue is heart versus head.

Who Controls My Emotions?

Controlling emotions is particularly challenging. In order to manifest anything, you need to think, feel and act upon it.  Thought is only the beginning.  Without emotion behind it, you will remain where you are now. All this week I have been focused on the same notion.  Positivity examined the power of words, and why want, a statement of lack, should be replaced by desire, a statement of abundance.  In Pathwalking I explored how to go about changing feelings.  Altering my

How Do We Think Individually?

No two people think alike. As I ponder this notion, it occurs to me that if we recognized this fact, we could truly change the world for the better.  If we embraced the differences in how we think, we’d better understand the world around us. Let’s look at the Big Picture.  Those who hold artificial positions of power.  And yes, I mean artificial.  Those who lead our nations, our churches and temples, our businesses are in power because they have

What Changes Do You Want to Make?

Choosing what changes we make for our lives is a key goal of Pathwalking. The entire cosmos is in a constant state of change.  I think probably one of the only constants in the universe is that everything changes, constantly. Human nature seeks stability.  We like to know who we are, where we are, and what we are.  As such, there is resistance to change, which can even get pretty violent at times.  Yet no matter how much we want

How Can Change Generate Positivity?

Change is inevitable, but can be a huge source of positivity. Let’s face it.  Everything changes.  The world evolves, and whether you want to admit it or no, change is going to occur. Seasons change.  The weather changes.  We humans have a unique ability to change our clothes, our homes, our lives, and our minds.  Changes just are. Often we just let change occur.  The world is turning, things happen.  Sometimes we accept this.  Other times, we resist it. It’s

How Does Being Aware Take Me Across The Bridges?

For me, being aware of my mindset, mindful of what I am thinking and feeling, is the key to creating what I truly desire from this life. Conscious reality creation is the ultimate gift humankind has.  The other animals on this planet, no matter how intelligent they may be, don’t have the same capacity to create as we do.  We are the only animals that can build tools to allow us to travel anywhere across the globe, infinitely expand our