The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Be Better?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The answer for me is simple.  I want to be better because I know I am not at my best. What does that mean?  That means that, on a deeply personal level, I am aware that I am not all that I can be.  There is room for improvement, and I can be better than I am in many ways. Why be better?  Because I desire more

How Does Love Matter?

Love is far simpler than we tend to make it. Storytellers across the ages have been informing us that love is this grand, complex, amazing thing.  And while it certainly can be, in truth it is much less grandiose. I have frequently written here about the ability we all possess to manifest the things we want in life.  We are, at our ultimate core, energy.  Energy vibrates at various frequencies.  Low frequency vibration draws low, negative things to us.  High

What Makes Me Feel Satisfied?

I have worked any number of jobs that didn’t leave me feeling satisfied. We all have to earn a living, right?  You can’t just laze about your home, on a beach, or wander aimlessly all the time, because clothing, food and shelter cost money.  Also, frankly, doing nothing at all gets pretty boring pretty fast. When I started college, I remember preparing to register for my first classes.  It was orientation, and I had not yet chosen my major.  I

What Changes Do You Want to Make?

Choosing what changes we make for our lives is a key goal of Pathwalking. The entire cosmos is in a constant state of change.  I think probably one of the only constants in the universe is that everything changes, constantly. Human nature seeks stability.  We like to know who we are, where we are, and what we are.  As such, there is resistance to change, which can even get pretty violent at times.  Yet no matter how much we want

Is Change Good or Bad?

Change is a good thing. Yet this terrifies us.  Change leads to the unknown, and in our fear-based society, the unknown frightens us. I know that to some degree, this is a survival instinct.  When we lived in caves, and had a limited knowledge of anything but the immediate geography, the unknown beyond was almost unimaginable.  What kind of creatures are over that mountain?  Are there monsters in the sea?  Does that village we see smoke from contain cannibals? Some