The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Does Confidence Build Positivity?

Confidence goes a long ways towards building positivity. When you are confident in who you are and what you do, you can create some pretty amazing things. Even if you are not a terribly confident feeling person, there are many different actions you can take that will generate confidence, and confidence in turn will develop some powerful positivity. First there is posture.  I know that I tend to slouch.  A lot.  Sitting and standing more erect exudes confidence physically.  Also,

Why the “How” of things trips me up.

Why does the “how” of it all continue to get in my way? Two weeks ago I discussed the block I encounter between idea and end goal.  I want to be a bestselling author.  The “how” of the process is what keeps tripping me up, and I think it’s time to dig deeper into why that is. Conscious reality creation works.  I’ve done it many times, and I intellectually understand it.  One of my greatest issues, though, is emotions, which