The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Are We What, How, Where, Who, and Why We Are?

Why we are – and all else – depends on circumstances both in and out of our control. Please pause a moment. Look around you and then make note of where you are. How did you get there? What made you decide to be where you are, right now? Is this where somewhere you actually want to be – or not? For various reasons, you are where you are. Maybe you’re somewhere you have chosen – or not. And even

Is It Possible That I’m Wrong About Positivity Empowering People?

Yes, I might be wrong about positivity empowering people. If I am, I’m open to learning how and why. One Monday morning, in February 2014, I logged into Facebook. I was immediately bombarded by similar messages. Today is going to suck. I hate Mondays. What fresh fuckery will I deal with this week? Back to the terrible grind. And similar negative messages. Wow, I thought. So much negativity. I wonder what I can do about that? Thus began my Monday

Do I Adjust My Life’s Path – or – Does the Path Adjust Me?

The answer is Yes. Both the path and I adjust in various ways. The only constant in the entire Universe is Change. I repeat that a lot. Why? Because it can have a truly amazing impact on our life experiences when we recognize, acknowledge, and accept this truth. Everything you know – all the comfort zones you exist in – has changed before. They will change again. And then, after they change – they’ll still change. No matter how resistant

How Do We Learn to Embrace Change Rather than Fear It?

We need to work more with mindfulness to embrace change. There are two topics I cover repeatedly. Fear and change. Why? Because we live in a fear-based society and change is the only constant in the Universe. What’s more, fear of change drives many, many people and the things they do. Accepting the inevitability of change goes a long way towards learning to embrace it. But that’s not easy to do because of how fear is so broadly exploited. What

The Only Mind You Can Positively Change is Your Mind

Why not focus on positively changing your mind for the better? Spending any time at all browsing social media can be infuriating. Any encounter with news sources – legitimate or not – can be disheartening and depressing. Between the ongoing fight with the COVID-19 pandemic, seriously disruptive and destructive politics, entitled people being awful, and various other world events – it’s easy to lose sight of our own lives. No matter what side you fall on in any given discussion

What I Believe is True

Even though what I believe is true – I have the power to change it. I know more than one person struggling right now. Frankly, in multiple ways, I am struggling, too. The struggle is based on who I am now – versus – who I was and have been – versus – who I desire to be. When you have been applying certain beliefs, habits, and values for as long as you can remember – they seem unchangeable. They

What Are Your Values?

Understanding your values helps define your paths. As I have been writing about Pathwalking for quite a while now, my thoughts on the process and the mindfulness practices that go into it have evolved. The evolution of my perspective on mindfulness is ever-changing. Hence, the current break-down I continue to share. On the surface, it’s all about sensory input, thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions. The next layer down (or really, inwards) is your inner being. That’s your mindset/headspace/psyche self-perception. Below

This Is Good Because…

Finding the good in the middle of the bad. The current reality in which we are living is distressing, depressing, uncertain, and confusing as all get out. None of us have experienced something like this in our lifetime. The global pandemic has us taking extreme measures. We are sheltering in place, social distancing, and severely limiting how much time we spend in public, even of necessity. (Or at least – we should be.) Yes, there are some for whom nothing

I’m Not an Expert           

I’m not an expert and that’s not a bad thing because it means there is more room to experience, grow, and learn. I know some things. There are lessons I’ve learned, the experiences I have had, and discoveries I have made through education, life events, and just observing the world around me. Over time I have developed a certain level of competence and confidence. With that confidence, it came to me to share. Why share? Because I believe that many

It Is Never Too Late

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Change can happen at any time. You get to decide when to choose. It is never too late to take a new path in life, and change things for the better. There is, in our society, something of a timeline for things. In your late teens and early twenties, for example, you are expected to either get your college education or vocational training. In your late twenties