The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Is Your Morning Routine Exhausting or Empowering? The Choice is Yours

You get to decide if every new day will be exhausting or empowering. During the workweek, when you wake up, do you begin your day feeling exhausted? Do you struggle to get out of bed, get going, and face all that lies before you today? Or do you begin your day feeling empowered? Do you get out of bed, get going, and face all that lies before you today ready to experience potential and possibilities? Odds are, neither is the

Know Your Habits to Change Your Habits

You can’t change habits you aren’t consciously aware of. When it comes to choosing any given path, the choice often requires adjusting routines. That’s not to say that all routine is bad. Some routines are super-healthy. They may be good for you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically – or all the above. Instituting regular exercise or writing out daily gratitude are examples of this. Some habits are obvious to us. But others are not. And that’s because habit exists in your

Positivity: Changing Habits

Habits can be changed. What is a habit?  A habit is a thing you do regularly, to the point where it is almost involuntary.  You just do it, hardly thinking about it.  It is your way. Some habits are neutral, like bathing and napping and using the blinker in your car to signal lane changes.  Some are good, like holding doors for people, changing empty toilet paper rolls and picking up litter.  Some are bad, like smoking or always interrupting