The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Should You Allow Yourself to Take Time Off?

Yes, you absolutely should take time off – and here’s why. I am terrible at taking time off. There is a certain sense of guilt that comes with what are my obligations. Even those that are self-imposed. When I don’t meet those expectations, I feel bad. That can turn negative on a dime, and before you know it the brain weasels start chittering. You’re bad, you are worthless, what do you think you are doing? etc. For this reason, taking

Why are Rest and Relaxation Important?

When was the last time you allowed yourself real rest and relaxation? I am not talking about sleep, or a little weekend escape, I mean actual, factual relaxation and resting from your responsibilities? Modern society frowns on taking breaks.  We have this incessant need to go go go, and anybody who doesn’t reflect that is either lazy, entitled, or otherwise not contributing to the greater good. Is that total bullshit, or what? Yes, the human body needs to rest.  Sleep

Pathwalking 136

We all need to take a break. I am walking my path on a regular basis, but once in a while there just needs to be a break. More than a break, however, I need to withdraw. This can come in a number of forms. I might take the time to meditate, I might read a book, I might work on some other project that makes me happy. I could go on a hike or hit the gym or attend

Positivity: Escape

Everyone needs to escape from the everyday now and then. We all need escapes. We all need to get away. This takes different forms for different people, and can be achieved through means both great and small. Escapes can be both short and lengthy, but they can be a very positive thing to make use of. I don’t know anyone who does not need to take a “time out” once in a while. Whether they are stopping to meditate for