The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Can The Path You’re Taking Ever Be the Same Path Again?

Are we taking the same path we might have taken before? There are nearly 8 billion people on this planet. Each and every one of us have our own paths to choose from in this life. At a minimum, that means there are 8 billion paths. Given that we all have more than one path to choose from, that number is probably exponentially higher. There are more likely billions upon billions, if not trillions of paths to choose from. Some

Life Is Always In Motion Whether We Choose It or It Chooses Us

We’re empowered to choose what our lives look like. It’s all too easy to feel despair. Hell, lots of messages are being constantly screamed at us on TV, radio, social media, newspapers, and all other public fora intend to cause despair. Generally ludicrous, extreme, “or else” messages. Vote for that guy or else you will despair. Buy this product or else you will despair. Drive this car or else you will despair. Use this service or else you will despair.

How Is It Worthwhile to Adjust Our Mindset/Headspace/Psyche Selves?

It’s worthwhile because it’s the only thing we can genuinely control. Ever find yourself thinking about something utterly outside of your control? I don’t just mean a random, passing thought. What I’m on about is giving deep, analytical thought towards something over which you have zero control. For example – politics. Apart from voting, protests, phone calls and letters to our representatives – there’s nothing we can do. When it comes to the world stage, there’s even less that we

How Do We Stand Up to Fear and Uncertainty Along Our Paths?

Genuine mindfulness lets us recognize fear and uncertainty and how to handle them on our paths. Fear takes many forms. Often, it’s disguised as uncertainty, trepidation, self-doubt, general doubt, brain weasels, and the like. Fear isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It has served the human race well in protecting us from harm. But the things we needed fear to protect us from have changed. A lot. We are no longer prey to anything but other human beings. Fear that protected

Accepting Ourselves Means We Must Accept Both The Good and The Bad

Nobody goes through life without both good and bad. Accepting that is empowering. I’ve done some stupid, foolish, even selfish things in my life. From many, I learned valuable lessons. From others, I learned what not to do in certain situations. Truth be told, from some of the stupid, foolish, selfish things I gleaned no lesson I can put a finger on. Guess what? I’ll make more stupid, foolish, and selfish choices in my life. No matter what and how

Do We Age Like a Fine Wine or Outdated Computer Hardware?

How we age – and perceive aging – is a choice we get to make. Birthdays can be a mixed bag for most people. I’m going to generalize here – but most people have 1 of 3 responses to their birthday: Joy Dread Utter nonchalance I’ve seen all of the above among my friends and family. Hell, I’ve shifted between these myself. My 30th birthday freaked me out. But my 40th simply occurred. My 50th is upon me – and

How Do You Choose to Navigate the River of Life?

Everyone gets to choose to swim, flow, float, or sink in the river of life. More than a decade ago, I decided that I was not going to just let life live me. I had a desire to choose the direction of my life – and what I would do with it. When I started blogging regularly at the beginning of 2012, my Pathwalking philosophy was born. Over time it’s evolved. A lot. And though many of the original tenets

Positivity Is a Choice to Empower Taking Control of Our Lives

Positivity is less about how we feel than about how we choose to approach our lives. How easy is it to feel bad? To find negativity in the world? To see darkness, sadness, and hopelessness? Too easy. Surf the internet. Watch cable news. Shouldn’t take more than a minute or two to start down that path. Because it is so extremely easy to find the bad and the negative in our world today – they often become dominant. And if

Why Does Getting Over Feeling Hurt Take So Long?

Even unintentional hurt that we are made feel tends to linger. Someone that I care a great deal about hurt me. Let me be clear about several facts in this matter. First – I know it was not their intent to cause me hurt. They were in their own odd headspace, and it made them less receptive to the impact their actions had. Second – Given our history, this should not have come as the surprise that it did. Yet

What Are You Doing Today and How Does it Make You Feel?

Today is one-of-a-kind. What will you choose to do with that? I have just completed an annual vacation that was interrupted by the pandemic for two years. Every summer since 1996, I have spent 1-2 weeks at a massive medieval reenactment event called the Pennsic War. It tends to draw 10,000+ people to it for numerous medieval classes, combats, glamping, and socializing from all over the world. Due to COVID-19, the event was cancelled in 2020 and 2021. This year,