The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity in Getting Back to Work Post-Vacation

Getting back to work after a vacation presents some unique challenges. After taking more than a week offline, I am finding returning to my regularly scheduled program a bit more difficult than I had anticipated. Why? I had a perfectly excellent time. I got to hang out with friends, disconnected and got in a ton of exercise, time outdoors, and sunlight. Though I certainly love my work, it’s not that I don’t have ideas for things to write about. But

What Does Your End Result Look Like?

What Does Your End Result Look Like? Finding sufficient balance of clarity and detail to manifest your reality. When you start down a path in life, it is usually done with an end goal in sight. But do you know what that end goal looks like? This can be a slippery slope because while detail counts, too much detail denies the Universe its power to present you with what you desire. Let me put a few things out there in

Positivity is an Attitude

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Positivity is an attitude It goes way beyond thinking and feeling – this is a whole-self attitude. For many years, the power of positive thinking has been hoisted towards the top of the self-help flagpole. While it can be very helpful to think positively, it isn’t always sustainable, because negative things can and will happen, and should not be disregarded. But positivity is not just a matter

Life is Never a Singular Path

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You are empowered to choose the path/paths you desire for you. Over the course of your life, you are going to have different goals at different times. Some are small goals, others are larger and have a wider impact. All of them are significant to you. There will be occasions when you are on more than one path at the same time. For example: developing a relationship

Can a Laugh Generate Positivity?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   What makes you laugh? Do you know how much positivity a laugh can generate? Laughter is a gateway to positivity. I know there are lots of times that laughing seems challenging at best. Spend enough time on social media and you will be inundated with plenty of things that are not funny. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do things that make us smile. When you tune

Recognizing the Three Brands of Truth

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   In any argument or discussion, there will always be three truths. Yours, Mine, and the Absolute. If you believe that the truth is the truth, you are right – but you are also wrong. This is because in many instances the truth is entirely dependent on viewpoint. In Return of the Jedi, Luke confronts Obi-Wan’s Force ghost about claiming that Darth Vader murdered his father, rather than

What is Family?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Family is not always that which you are born into. Family can be the chosen people whom you love. These are the people for whom you would move mountains, who you know have your back, and who you confide in because they get you. There is tremendous positivity in recognizing, acknowledging, and being a part of that family. I am not disregarding the families we are born

What is Intention?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   What is Intention? Intention is focus. It is the focus on the action that creates reality. Mindfulness is about knowing your own thoughts and feelings. With knowledge of your thoughts and feelings, you can take actions to consciously create reality. But the actions need focus, direction, or specifically intention. So what is intent? defines it thus: Intent (noun) something that is intended; purpose; design; intention the act or fact of intending, as to do something meaning or significance. When it

How does an Abundant Universe Impact Positivity?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   We live in an abundant Universe. What that means is that there is more than enough of everything, material or immaterial, that you desire for your life. One of the important reasons to be more mindful is to be more capable of recognizing the artifices of the world we live in.  A lot of our beliefs that we buy into have been bought and paid for by

Do You Have a Choice?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You always have a choice.  Even when you decide not to choose, that’s still a choice. No matter what situation or experience you are having, good or bad, you have a choice.  Why?  Because you can decide how to think, feel, and act upon whatever happens to you. Every single day we face choices.  Get out of bed, or hit snooze?  Watch TV or read?  Workout or