The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Acceptance Is a Matter of Positivity – And It Starts with Ourselves

Acceptance of ourselves begins all else. For a long time, I was less than fond of myself. All I seemed to be capable of was finding the fault in myself. I was always looking at how I managed to fail at jobs, screw up relationships, and remain overweight. For about two decades, I lived indecisively, constantly finding the flaws in myself, and not accepting all of how I was uniquely me. Sometime in my late 30s, though, that began to

6 Ways I Can Choose to Face a Trigger Situation

I believe how I handle a trigger and what I do after is my choice. But YMMV. There was a conversation thread on Twitter. It was skewing negatively, so I decided to make a less negative statement. Someone replied to that – in a way that I found insulting. I admit, my reply to their reply was somewhat less politic and tactful than it could have been. And that person went off on me for it. The response I received

We Need Acceptance Over Tolerance

Tolerance is insufficient – but acceptance is empowering. When it comes to differences among people, the word tolerance gets thrown around a lot. Tolerance gets applied to tangible differences, like skin color, hair color, body type, sex, and so on. But frequently, it gets applied to intangible differences. This includes sexual orientation, gender, religion, nationality, politics, and the like. Tolerance, however, is insufficient. Why? Because it implies negativity. As in – “well, I don’t like that – but I’ll tolerate

What Is Reality?

Reality is how we perceive the world around us.  It both is and isn’t that simple, of course. No less an authority than Albert Einstein said, “Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one.”  What that means is that what we perceive as our reality is different for everyone. To me, this thoroughly supports the notion that consciousness creates reality.  Since the reality we perceive is completely individual, and a persistent illusion, isn’t it completely logical that we can create