The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Where do Power and Control Come From?

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The only real power and control we have is internal.

All of the external expressions of power and control are never ours.  They belong only to those who are wielding them, and will only continue to exist as long as people accept their own lack of them.

Power and ControlYes, when we go to the voting booth, we are choosing people to “represent” us.  Some take that responsibility to heart, and work to genuinely be representative.  Unfortunately, many become corrupted by this power, and because we live in a fear-based society of lack and scarcity, they cling to it with all their might.  Because they think there is not enough to go around, they hoard and withhold and disempower, because that is what they believe it takes for them to keep power and control.

You and I, however, have all the power and control we need.  But we have to recognize it, and choose to employ it.  We need to decide that we prefer to be empowered rather than disempowered, and from that place take actions to better our lot in this life.

Consciousness creates reality.  When you focus on negativity, and the dark-side of the world, you draw more of that to you.  But when you focus on positivity, and the potential and positivity of the world, you draw that to you.  I know which one I would rather have more of.

Power and control only work when we choose to use them.  All of the power and control wielded by anyone over another is because the other is allowing it, and not resisting.

Yes, I recognize that in certain circumstances this is not an option.  But more often than we acknowledge, it really is.

Be the power and control you seek

We tend to look outside ourselves for sources of power.  I can write endlessly about empowerment, conscious reality creation, and manifestation.  You, however, can choose to use these ideas…or not.  The power and control belong to you and you alone.

Not everything I suggest is going to work for everyone.  But that’s a part of human nature.  Further, I acknowledge that I am imperfect, and do not always practice what I preach.  But it is a practice, and I do strive to empower my own power and control, because I desire to make this life the best I can for me.

Power and ControlThis is not an act of selfishness or in disregard of anyone else.  This is a matter of seeing the abundance of the universe, rather than lack and scarcity.  There is more than enough good to go around.  Power and control are abundant…but the genuine articles are purely individualized.  They cannot be created or derived from things without; they only really come from within.

There are some big, overwhelming problems in the world today.  We need to work together in order to combat them, and build better for everyone.  But unless we see the power and control we have internally, and work from there, we cannot do enough to impact the external world in a positive way.

Empower yourself.  Recognize that you are awesome, amazing, powerful, worthy and deserving.  Take the power, take the control, and do not be afraid to change your own life for the better.  You take nothing away from anyone else in doing this…and when you are empowered, you can share that with those around you.  The positive energies we create can help overcome the negative.

Finding positivity is not hard, but it does require action.

Knowing that true power and control come from within each and every one of us, individually, we can work to create a better world.  When we cease to allow others to wield false power and control over us, and use that which is within ourselves to drive our lives, ultimately we empower ourselves.  When we feel empowered, we become more aware and mindful, and tend to spread that feeling to others around us. As such, we can build more positive feelings.

We can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings. When we eradicate negative feelings, we open up space to let in more positive feelings, and that is something we can be grateful for.

Gratitude leads to happiness.  Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude.  An attitude of gratitude is a positive attitude that begets even more good energies, and that is always worthwhile.

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This is the two-hundred and fifty-seventh entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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