The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: You Are Not Alone

You are not alone.

No matter how lonely, no matter how isolated, no matter how detached you may feel, you are not alone.  It does not matter how unique you are, it is not important how much differently you think from those around you – you are not alone.

No one else is here, you might be thinking.  There is no one else inside my head.  No one is beside me.  I am alone in this life.  This is simply not true – you are not alone!

Why are you not alone?  Because I am with you.  Because I am also a dreamer, a thinker, an individual who does not think the same as any other.  I share in your hopes and fears and dreams and desires, and I understand you.


You don’t even know me, you might be thinking.  That may be true…but it does not mean I do not understand what you are going through.  I may very well be feeling the same way as you are.  I am also seeking relationships with other people, seeking validation, seeking happiness for myself.

My dreams are not the same as yours.  My thoughts are different.  I have hopes and fears and desires that may well be totally counter to yours.  Nonetheless, because we share these same abstract concepts, and because we are ultimately striving to be happy – we are in this together.

One of the darkest negatives we face is that sense of loneliness.  Everyone feels it.  Maybe not all the time, but I have never met anyone who has not felt alone.  When that doubt creeps up on you, when that dread of having no connections outside of yourself and no contemporaries washes over you, know that you are not alone.  Know that there is someone else out there who is feeling the same, and who is there for you, just as you would be there for them.

Despite distance, differences of opinion, incompatible language and emotional variances, none of us is truly alone. How can this be?  By virtue of our ultimate core being, we can never be alone.


What is that ultimate core being?  When you get past the skin, past the internal organs, past the atoms that make up the molecules that ultimately become each and every unique individual, you are energy.  Pure, uncomplicated, indestructible energy.  From the smallest organism to the largest galaxy, all of us are energy, which can neither be created nor destroyed.  As such, we are all one.  Ergo – you are not alone.

Finding positivity is not hard, it just requires action.  Knowing that you are not alone, you can move past those moments of loneliness and doubt more easily, and escape that negative sensation to find and experience better feelings.  Knowing that even when no one is present you are not alone, you can create Positivity.  Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.


This is the seventh entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.


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