The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: No Limits

You are capable of anything.

You have the ability to make your own life.  You are empowered with a strength that separates us from the rest of the animals walking this earth.  You can choose who to be, where to live, what sort of job to work, the people you associate with.  Beyond the physical, you can choose to be happy or sad or strong or weak.

You have no limitations but those you set upon yourself.  We are amazing creatures with the ability to imagine fantastical things, and more to make them reality.


Science fiction has been giving us futures with amazing devices and fantastical life-changing machines.  Look back just fifty years or so and you will see the dreams of many writers are the reality of our world today.  Portable communication devices, an invisible network with information from every corner of the world, knowledge at our fingertips, the International Space Station; unheard of fantasy half a century ago is the reality we live every day.

The world we have created we have done so because inventors, dreamers, scientists and others saw past limitations and pressed the envelope.  They chose to go beyond what we knew was possible to create something more.  Many of these were great minds.  Some were simply cogs in a machine where multiple minds made and refined ideas into realities.

You are as capable of making great things as any of these inventors.  Famous or unknown, every one of us can push past our limitations and make the world we would choose to live in.

Despite what we see of our so-called leaders and their arrogance, corruption and greed, we are still empowered to make our own lives.  We need far less to be happy than what we are led to believe we need.  It starts from within, and radiates out.  It starts small, like a snowball, and as it rolls down a snowy hill increases in size exponentially, until the small bit of happiness becomes an avalanche of positive energy.


Yes, this is cliché.  Yes, it has been said before, and to many it comes out as hippy-crunchy hooky-spooky new-agey bullshit.  This does not make it any less true.  We are limitless, unless you believe the limitations you have been given.  We are capable of anything.

Finding positivity is not hard, it just requires action.  Knowing that we are capable of anything and are only as limited as we accept ourselves to be, we can find happiness and make our own corner of the world a better place.  When you can see past the limits you set upon yourself, you can create a life with few complications and an abundance of happiness.  Accepting your own empowerment will let you break free of your self-imposed limitations, and generate Positivity.  Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.


This is the fourteenth entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to reblog and spread the positivity.

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