The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Always something to be Positive about

There is always something to be positive about.

Sometimes you have to look harder than others, but there is always something.


I know there are times when it all seems as though it is for naught. That it is hopeless, and that there is little to no point. Despite this, I maintain there is always something to be positive about.

You are alive. You are here, you are breathing. You have opportunities and options before you. You have a chance to make a difference. You can turn things around.

I think probably everybody goes through at least a brief period where none of the above actually strikes them as positive. Pain, deep sorrow, grief, extreme jealousy and the like can certainly make everything positive seem utterly out of reach.

There is always something to be positive about.

No matter how bad things seem, no matter how much hurt you are experiencing whether physical or emotional, no matter what awful things you might be undergoing, there is still something positive. There are people, there are places, there are things that will make you feel better. You are alive and can turn around this situation. It may take time and effort, but it is still possible.

I recognize that people suffer from depression and anxiety and paranoia and fear in ways that make this statement seem like total bull. There is anger, and deep sadness and a seemingly endless ocean of negative emotions some people are stranded upon or within, and to them it can feel like there is nothing to be positive about.

But there is. There is always something to be positive about. Every day can be different. There will always be new opportunities, new experiences, chances to change it all. I know how hard this can be, I have been there, I have fought the demons of depression and anxiety. I am still fighting them and always will be. Despite that, I know there is always something to be positive about.

Take a minute of your day to find something that makes you feel good. Stand in the sun, play with a dog or cat, watch a video that makes you smile, listen to music, reach out to a friend or loved one. Whatever it takes to help you see that there is ALWAYS something to be positive about.


Don’t give up. I know there are times where that seems the easiest option, but I believe there is always something to be positive about to be found. I believe you can do it, and you can find it. I believe we all can, and we should all help one another to do so.

There is always something to be positive about.

Finding positivity is not hard, it just requires action. Knowing that there is always something to be positive about, we can find solace. When we recognize that no matter how bad things are or might get we can still seek out and find something to be positive about, we empower ourselves. When we feel empowered, we often spread that feeling to others around us, and as such can build more positive feelings. We can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings. When we take away negative feelings, we open up space to let in positive feelings, and that is something we can be grateful for. Gratitude leads to happiness. Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude. Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.


This is the one hundred second entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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