The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 202

How do I go about taking responsibility for my own empowerment? There are several ways to make this happen, which I would like to share with you this week.

The first step is that we need to acknowledge our own accountability. How? By taking responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions. Nobody can control anybody else, unless you allow someone else to be in control. As such, you and you alone are the responsible party when it comes to your life.

Once we take responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings and actions, be they in the past or present, we are now accountable for where we go from here. Taking accountability means we understand the need to think before we speak, look before we leap; and even when we don’t and we mess up we accept that we are the one responsible for that.

I cannot emphasize enough how import accountability is. Why do our so-called leaders make up stories, evade the truth and outright lie? Because they know we’d never let them lead if they fessed up to all they do. Accountability becomes problematic, and society as such is not so good with this. We, as individuals, can do so very much more with our lives when we are accountable and responsible for who we are.

There are actions we can take that help us be empowered. These actions may seem somewhat trivial, but I assure you they are of far more import than we often recognize.

Gratitude. Time and again I come back to this topic, because there is nothing more powerful than gratitude when it comes to Pathwalking, or any other thing we want to create for our lives. When we are grateful for what we already have, from the tiniest detail to the grandest ideal, we generate positive energy that will allow us to have more. If we are not grateful for what we have now, how will we ever appreciate the things we want?

Thanking is as important, if not more important, than being thanked. Gratitude is not just words, it is feeling behind the action of expression. And it is very powerful and empowering as such.

Criticism. No one is a fan of criticism, even the constructive kind. However, when it comes to empowerment it is important to know when you are being critical instead of complimentary. This is not quite the same as expressing gratitude, this is more a matter of how you view things. Do you find fault, look for issues and problems with things, or do you find strength and benefits when you look at yourself?

Know that we are all our own worst critics. It is important to be mindful of whether you are more critical or more complimentary to yourself. That is part of the responsibility in making your own destiny.

Positive vs Negative. Notice how frequently I write about the importance of positivity versus negativity? This is really important to be responsible for. Why? Because whether you view things positively or negatively will seriously effect what you will be capable of manifesting.

Do you see things as broken or fixable? Do you see the world as empty or full? Do you think bad things or good things initially about anything? Taking responsibility for this process can really go a long ways towards building more and better empowerment.

Self-talk. We often neglect just how we view ourselves, and the importance of this. You need to be accountable for how you think about yourself, and how you talk to yourself. Are you more likely to be kind or cruel? Are you loving or self-deprecating? Do you talk to yourself generatively, or condescendingly?

Be responsible when you are talking to yourself. If you are starting out negative or uncomplimentary be aware of this and change it. Taking control of all this is hugely powerful towards empowerment.

Do vs undo. I have written before about the importance of approach to manifest change. Specifically, why it is so important to request things be done instead of undone.

Both good things and bad things will happen, period, end of story. Some are in your control, some not. However, when the things you do not want come about, attempting to undo them won’t manifest what you want. It is vitally important instead to do something different, or to do a thing that will help with what you want to create.

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it simply changes form. If we cannot destroy energy, the single basic building block of everything in the entire universe, how can we destroy what has already happened? I can’t be undone, so it is of far greater value to put my energy into doing something new.

These are just a few of the things in this world that empower us. Certainly there are others, but these are a great starting point when you want to focus on responsibility and take accountability for your own life. This is how we gain control over our destiny, and we set about walking a path of our own choosing.

I won’t lie, this is not necessarily easy. It requires, at least at first, a lot of forethought, and often changes in approach that might seem small and silly, but really they are not. I believe that relying on myself for my own empowerment can only help me to live a better life, and in so doing better help others do the same.

We really can create our own lives, despite what “they” might try to tell you. Empowerment through awareness of the now combined with thoughts and feelings and intentional actions will make us all far happier than any power from without could ever do.

Do you empower or disempower yourself with how you think, feel and act?


This is the two-hundred second entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas and my personal experiences in walking along the path of life.  I share this journey as part of my personal desire to make a difference in this world along the way.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available in print and for your Kindle.

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