The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 16

Do I deserve to be happy?

Have I earned the right to walk my own path?  Am I good enough, smart enough, wise enough, deserving enough to be one of those people who can choose and walk their own path?

Yes.  Yes I am.  And Yes, you are, too.

One of the biggest problems with seeking, finding, and walking your own path is exactly this.  Am I deserving of having this choice?

There are a lot of factors, a lot of influences, a lot of established systems which we find we have and/or need to provide validation.  And given those, one of the hardest questions we face, and ask, is simply: Am I Deserving?

We are taught that if we “do good”, follow the “golden rule”, act ethically and morally, we deserve to receive our desires.  But we are also taught that we have to “behave”, act accordingly, and meet certain expectations in order to “deserve” things.

Problem is – who’s expectations are we meeting?  Who determines whether we “deserve” something or no?  Is it up to mom and dad, unseen Powers-that-be, God?

The answer is, really, it is up to ME.  It is up to ME to find my own happiness.  And it is up to YOU to find yours, too.  And YES, without a doubt, we deserve to be happy!

Paying a visit to, we find the following:


verb (used with object)

1. to merit, be qualified for, or have a claim to (reward, assistance, punishment, etc.) because of actions, qualities, or situation: to deserve exile; to deserve charity; a theory that deserves consideration.

verb (used without object)

2. to be worthy of, qualified for, or have a claim to reward, punishment, recompense, etc.: to reward him as he deserves; an idea deserving of study.

In both of these, this speaks of being worthy of or qualified FOR what one deserves.  And in this case, there is no outside persona you need to prove yourself to, there is no judge to say you are or are not deserving.  This is all about YOU.

There are certain things that EVERYONE is entitled to.  We ALL deserve them.  And I believe that they are universal.

EVERYONE deserves happiness.  Everyone deserves abundance.  Everyone deserves peace.  Everyone deserves prosperity.  Everyone deserves love.  EVERYONE.

I cannot think of a single emotional or logical argument against happiness, abundance, peace, prosperity and love.  These are the things we ALL strive for, they are the greatest desires underlying our every action, I believe.  And we ALL deserve to have them.

This is the point of pathwalking.  To seek and find happiness, abundance, peace, prosperity and love.  The most positive, the most constructive intangibles we can imagine are what we seek from walking the path.  Every day will not be perfect, and we will stumble along the way, get lost, get diverted – but when all is said and done, these are what we most want, at the deepest level of our existence.

And WE DESERVE THEM.  We deserve to have these things.  You and I deserve to not only have these things, we deserve to be able to share them.

Do I deserve to be loved?  Do I deserve to be prosperous? Do I deserve to be at peace?  Do I deserve to live an abundant life?  Do I deserve to be happy?

Absolutely, undoubtedly, resoundingly, YES.  Yes, yes, yes, yes and more yes.

And so do you.  And so does everyone.

We are deserving.


This is the sixteenth entry in my series. These weekly posts are specifically about walking along the path of life, and my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. Thank you for joining me.

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