The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 114

No matter how many answers you come up with, there are always more questions.

This, however, is a very good thing.

Life is constantly changing.  There are always new things to discover, to learn, to experience.  Even when day after day is largely similar, there are always going to be moments where there is new and different and unique.

Thus there are always questions.  Even when you find answers to your questions, you still get more questions.  I am going to state again – this is a good thing.

Why?  Why are more questions a good thing?  Because more questions mean more opportunities to learn, to grow, to change.  Life is not meant to be stagnant, unchanging and totally constant.  Every time you have a new question, you have a new opportunity to experience this, and to discover new things.

I am constantly stating that change is a good thing.  Change is necessary for life, for growth.  A part of that is questioning what you experience, questioning what you learn and as such learning more and newer things.

Pathwalking is about gaining better understanding and control of your personal world.  Pathwalking is making your own goals, choosing your own paths and destiny.  In order to know what makes up your path, you have to ask questions.

Even when you find answers to your questions, things change.  As such, that means there must be more questions.  More questions means more opportunities to make changes, and to direct your own life as you would most desire to have it.

I believe that there are too many people in the world today afraid of asking questions.  Rather than ask questions, they prefer to just accept what other people give them, what others tell them.  They absorb information, but do not question it…and we wind up with too many people who are dissatisfied and distressed with their lives.  And rather than ask the necessary questions that would help them learn how to find a path out of the situation they would rather not be in, they continue to seek out others to do the questioning for them.

It is increasingly easy to put the proverbial horse before the cart, and just take the answers we find.  Many people are unwilling to question the answers they are presented with, and accept things at face value that they might otherwise not if they were willing to do some analysis.  Its easy to let someone else give you answers, but wisdom is borne of questioning even the answers, to make sure they sit with who you are and how you think and live your life.

What is right for me is not right for you.  Even when we ask the same questions, our answers may be very different.  But more importantly than the answers, the process we take to get to them will help us to determine the path we would choose, and how we go about choosing it.

As a Pathwalker, I work to choose my own way, to make my own destiny.  It is a process, and there are good days and bad days.  Sometimes I question if I am making the right choices.  And that is ok.  Asking questions is the only way to analyze the path, and to determine what is and is not working, and how to make necessary adjustments along the way.

Nobody knows everything. There are certainly experts on various topics, but even the experts had to ask questions to learn what they know.  Questions are essential for knowledge, for prosperity, for understanding, for every aspect of life you can think of.  The only way to learn new things is to ask questions in order to find the answers.

Questions.  Always it comes down to questions.  The right questions, the wrong questions – this is in many ways of more import than the answers.  Without questions we are incapable of knowing ourselves, and if we do not know ourselves, how can we know other people?  How can we know our desires?  How can we know our goals?  All of these questions and their asking are incredibly important to any path we may desire to choose.

Without more questions, there cannot be more growth.  Do not let seemingly endless questions daunt you, or throw you from your path.  Know that Pathwalking is constant questions, without which you will be unable to discover new things and new paths and choose the best life you can make for yourself.

What questions are you asking?


This is the one-hundred fourteenth entry in my series. These weekly posts are specifically about walking along the path of life, and my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. Thank you for joining me.

The first year of Pathwalking is available in print and for your Kindle.

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