The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 110

I am constantly talking about balance in regards to Pathwalking.  Moderation, knowing the yin and yang and finding what we need in order to successfully walk our paths in this life as we would choose them.

There is one exception to this it is important to grasp.

We live in a universe of abundance.  Everything we could want or need can be found in this universe, around us, because everything is energy, and we can alter frequencies to move the universe to have what we want.  However, most of us have placed limitations and artificial barriers between ourselves and the abundance of the universe by believing in lack and limitation and the need to sacrifice to make up for this.

Why is abundance different from all the other things that we have to balance?  Unlike finding the balance between selfishness and selflessness, or balancing taking for the self with giving to others, there is plenty and more than enough in the universe itself.  Abundance is a fact, and is available for everyone when we stop limiting ourselves.

Bullshit.  Hooky-spooky mumbo-jumbo.  How can that possibly be the case?  I postulate frequently that everything is energy.  At its ultimate root every single tangible and intangible comes to and from energy.  Energy has frequency, and when you tune the frequency you can draw what you tune in to.  Lack and limitation and believing there is not enough of anything is a human belief that we have created because the easy way became harder.

When we were hunter/gatherers, we were nomads.  We would go where the game travelled, and we would harvest what we found in nature.  Over time, we would over-hunt and over-gather to the point where nature was not replenishing the supply swiftly enough for us to survive.  While some moved to other places to continue hunting and gathering, others decided to create farms, where they planted seed and raised animals and took greater control over their food supply.  Over time, farms became so massive that ever greater numbers could be fed by the work of fewer hands to the point where we easily take for granted the simplicity of the trip to the supermarket.

We have food in abundance in the first world.  Unfortunately right beside that incredible abundance there is still lack.  People go hungry and remain impoverished even though abundance can be found a relatively short distance away.

Right there you contradict yourself.  Poverty, disease, and hunger are direct evidence of the lack in this world.  How can you say there is abundance for everyone of everything?  Because that lack has been caused by the limitations we ourselves have put on the world.  We are bombarded by messages telling us that there is a limited supply of pretty much everything.  We are told how the wealthiest one percent control a disproportionately large amount of the money of the world, and watch many of these same people greedily hoard what they have and create lack.  We believe the message that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and we feed these messages of lack and limitation and obstruction and restriction with more energy.

If you believe that you are incapable of having abundance, if you believe you will always be in debt morally or financially or spiritually, you are feeding the energy of lack and limitation.  It is a vicious, unfortunate creation of the human imagination that there is not enough to go around.  It is the belief that we will run out of the good and abundance of things in the universe that continues to make it so.

You cannot just think positive and everything will come out ok!  It doesn’t work that way.  This is true.  You cannot just think positive – you have to FEEL positive, you have to ACT positive, and you have to BE a transmitter of that energy to draw it back to you.  If you believe in there not being enough, if you believe in your own shortcomings and your debts and limitations you will draw them more readily to you.  If you believe there is enough, and you can overcome your shortcomings and there are no limitations, you can more readily draw that to you.

This cannot just be lip service to positive energy.  You can’t just pull this out of thin air, it does require focus and work and action.  When I have looked at my day to day actions, it often startles me to see how easily I slip into the mentality of lack and limitation and all the negativity of the world.  Just read the headlines of a news service online and you begin to be inundated with a constant barrage of lack and limitation for the whole bloody world.  It is very hard to believe that the universe is abundant when all you see is constant information about its lack and struggles of those who are wanting.

This starts small.  It starts with me.  I need to see the abundance of the universe.  I need to take the actions that will allow me to have all the abundance that is out there for me.  I need to not focus on lack and limitation, and focus on abundance.  And maybe when I focus on abundance and share that with you, you will focus on abundance.  And maybe when you focus on abundance and share that with others, they will focus on abundance.  And maybe we can all show the world that we need not accept the artificial limitations we continue to accept as absolutes.

Is this a Pollyanna attitude?  Perhaps.  Even so, can you give me a good reason why NOT to focus on abundance rather than lack?  Will focusing on the negativity and limitations of the world make me feel content, even happy?  No.

Do you think you can change your life and the lives of those around for the better you if you are focused on limitation, or focused on abundance?


This is the one-hundred tenth entry in my series. These weekly posts are specifically about walking along the path of life, and my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. Thank you for joining me.

The first year of Pathwalking is available in print and for your Kindle.

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