The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 108

Expectation is a powerful force.

What exactly IS expectation, anyhow? defines it thus:


1. the act or the state of expecting: to wait in expectation.

2. the act or state of looking forward or anticipating.

3. an expectant mental attitude: a high pitch of expectation.

4. something expected; a thing looked forward to.

5. Often, expectations; a prospect of future good or profit: to have great expectations.

Looking forward, anticipating, waiting – and it is really great expectations that are what we all want to have when it comes to this action, this emotion.

However, expectation can also be a crutch.  It can be a blockage for the actions in the here-and-now, as often it is something ahead of us, rather than with us now.

Pathwalking, as stated rather frequently, is about living, working and acting in the now to create and control your fate and destiny.  Expectation, as evidenced in the definition above, it about the future.  It is a presumed, awaited outcome that is yet to happen.

While great expectations are important, as positive energies are important, it is also necessary to not let expectation stop your current actions.  It is a part of Pathwalking to have that end goal that you are traveling towards, but expectation of all that it will entail can, unchecked, detour your journey.

So now you’re telling me I should not expect great things?  I should not anticipate the outcome?  No.  What I am telling you is that it is important to be mindful and aware OF your expectations, and not just let them overwhelm you or override the path you are upon.

It is impossible not to have expectations.  There is seldom a situation where there will be no outcome at all, and as such there is something ahead to expect.  However, you can be aware of what you are expecting, and as such whether it is real or fantasy, positive or negative.

For example – you could want to start down the path towards a political career.  If that is your goal, and what you want, there are ALWAYS options.  You can take steps to start that particular path.  However, if you start from zero and want to be President of the United States – while that is not absolutely impossible, it IS a long ways from any starting point.  If you EXPECT that is where you will wind up – you may want to look closely the reality of your expectations.

On a less grand scale, there is a very practical reason to be aware of your expectations.  If you leave your house EXPECTING awful traffic and an unpleasant commute and a bad day ahead – chances are this is EXACTLY what you will get.  But if you leave your house EXPECTING traffic and a long commute and a day ahead – you’re in neutral, and ready for whatever comes.

You cannot control the traffic or the commute, but you CAN control how you feel during the day.  If you expect a bad day or a good day, which do you think is better?  This is where the power of expectation is to your advantage.  This is why awareness of your expectations, and the direction that they place you in is so keenly important.

Manage your expectations.  Expect nothing with the things you cannot control, such as the traffic, but expect a good day ahead rather than a bad one.  This will help foster positive energy within you, and when you can generate positive energy within you can more easily draw it from without as well.

What are you expecting?  Is it a good thing, or a bad thing?  Can you control it, or is it an outside influence beyond your control?  Is your expectation realistic, or reaching far beyond your abilities and creation?  Asking these questions will help you to manage your expectations, and thus exert control in your choices.

Awareness of the power of expectation is important.  Mindfulness of what you are expecting, and its grounding in being positive or negative, real or fantastic will help you to walk your chosen path.

What are you expectations?


This is the one-hundred eighth entry in my series. These weekly posts are specifically about walking along the path of life, and my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. Thank you for joining me.

The first year of Pathwalking is available in print and for your Kindle.

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