The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

An open letter to the House of Representatives

Dear House of Representatives,

How dare you?  How dare you mess with our national economy this way?  How can you possibly justify this politicking?  The economy is fragile enough as it is – how can you possibly dare to risk our recovery further?

Yes, we all know you Republicans want to win the White House in 2012, and anything that might cause the President to be perceived badly seems good to you.  But this nation was NOT founded on the election cycle, and what you are doing is so drastically far from government ‘by the people, for the people’ that you should be embarrassed.  This is not how this nation is supposed to be run.  It is an embarrassment, and it is a travesty, and you should be ASHAMED.

The debt ceiling is a bullshit number.  You are going to spend, and to do so, you need to borrow.  So stop messing with the future of the national credit rating and get the job done!

You refuse to tax sensibly, and since you can’t justify any kind of tax increase, you can’t come up with a better way to earn revenue, yes spending must happen.

You earn unbelievable salaries, you have exceptional benefits, pensions, and all kinds of perks.  How DARE you threaten military salaries and social security while you enjoy your privileged lifestyles.  Do you care in the least that in catering to your wealthy buddies you are destroying the middle class?  Do you care what happens to the nation as a whole when the middle class is gone?

DO YOUR JOBS.  Stop blindly following your party line, enough with your special interests, stop putting politics ahead of the governance of the people.  STOP playing politics, look at the state of the nation, and REALLY make some effort to FIX it.

Give the banks incentive to make loans again.  Make these wealthy businesses EARN their subsidies by creating plenty of decently paying jobs, get the American people working again.  People start working and earning living wages, they start spending.  People start spending, the economy gets real growth and recovery.

Your current shortsightedness is going to do nothing to HEAL the nation.  All you are doing is widening the divides, and making matters worse.  IN THE NAME OF POLITICS.

Knock it the hell off and get back to WORK!  Stop being so bloody selfish, and GOVERN OUR NATION!

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