The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

You Will Have New Ideas All the Time

You will have new ideas all the time. The question is – what will you do with them?

In the eight years since I began to practice mindfulness and conscious reality creation, the practice has been altered. While the premise is largely the same as it’s always been – that you can choose for yourself the life you most desire to live – the how of it has been changed.

This is because, in the 8 years that have passed, I have been learning. New ideas, lessons from practices, successes, failures, experiences, and whatnot.

new ideasFurther, the world has changed in many ways. Some have had a personal impact on me while others have had a more peripheral impact.

Whatever the case may be, one of the biggest plusses to working with mindfulness and conscious reality creation is that you constantly are learning. There is always something new to be discovered, and that just makes it more exciting.

Admittedly, this can also alter my path. Something new I learn may turn me on to a new and better way to do something I am already doing. It’s possible that new ideas change my goals or some other aspect of the journey.

It is also possible that a new idea turns out to be not good, and can be a distraction or diversion.

New ideas are a constant, just like change is constant. When they come – and they will – what you do with them is a part of the greater whole of your path in life.

Resources are everywhere

I have found new ideas in some of the most unexpected places.

Of course, there are lots of common places where ideas come from. These include books you read and listen to, people you converse with, teachers, students, TV, the internet, and all the usual, obvious sources.

But there are lots of unexpected places ideas can manifest from. Advertisements, random words you see on a sign, overheard conversations between strangers, a headline on the internet, and so on.

It’s important to recognize that not every idea you gain will be a good one. I have lots of ideas that are totally, unabashedly bad ideas. Many I would never even remotely consider doing.

For some people I know that’s disconcerting. Does having bad ideas and bad thoughts make you a bad person? No, it’s perfectly human. Now if you ACT on those bad ideas, that’s a whole other issue.

Even so, you are going to act on ideas and it won’t go well. Sometimes, this will be minor and inconvenient. Other times, though, this will be potentially life-changing.

Relationships, for example. While a bad relationship can be devastating in numerous ways, generally you can recover (though you may be changed after). Choosing to go skydiving, however, may be seriously life-changing if you break every bone in your body and can never walk again.

I am not saying don’t experience life and don’t take risks. Just recognize that the new ideas you are acting on will have consequences and/or effects.

Don’t fear new ideas

One of the reasons the world is in the state it is today is fear of new ideas. Or, more realistically, long-time ideas that are getting better notice and attention.

What’s more, too many of our so-called leaders exploit this fear. They use it to hold onto their “power” and present themselves as the solution. Generally, of course, they are not. They are only in it for themselves and their own power while disempowering everyone else. It’s very insidious.

If people didn’t have new ideas and act on them you wouldn’t be reading this. You’d be unable to check the weather on the other side of the world from your phone. Tons of things you take for granted wouldn’t exist if someone’s new idea hadn’t found purchase and been manifested into reality.

They may have been a brilliant mind – or even just someone like you who was inspired. That’s not what matters. What matters is that new ideas can be massively empowering and can be used to change the world.

But it starts with you.

How you perceive the world through your senses and your mind is wholly unique to you. The one thing over which you have control is yourself. So you can change your thoughts, feelings, and actions to consciously create reality.

Of course, this is done through mindfulness.

Awareness of your psyche empowers new ideas

Mindfulness is awareness of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and overall headspace. It is you inside your own head, employing conscious awareness rather than allowing your subconscious mind and thoughts and feelings which may not be your own to do the driving.

When you are aware of your own headspace you are empowered to find, see, create, and otherwise employ new ideas. This is, when all is said and done, your psyche. It’s what makes you into you, the bundle of ideas, emotions, and unfathomable potential wrapped inside a meat-popsicle body.

Being aware helps you to take on or reject new ideas.

Many new ideas are terrible. When you are conscious of your mindset you might recognize this before employing said new idea. On the other hand, many new ideas are incredible. Now you will be more able to make use of them.

Which brings me to the last and often most ignored source of new ideas. You.

So many times you look to outside influences, resources, and the like that you don’t realize that those are tools, not answers. The answers and the new ideas are in you.

Sometimes the idea that you get is an improvement of something that already exists. Nothing wrong with that, there are lots of things that are good but can be made better. It happens all the time. Who knows what you might invent?

You will have or find new ideas all the time. The question is – what will you do with them? The best part is that the choices and decisions are yours, and you are worthy and deserving of making the best ones for you.

What new ideas are you working with?

This is the four-hundred and twenty-sixth entry to my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly articles are ideas for – and my personal experiences with – mindfulness and walking along the path of life to consciously create reality. I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. I further desire to empower myself and my readers with conscious reality creation.

Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-blog and share this.

The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. My additional writing, both fiction and non-fiction, are available here.

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