The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Can Logic and Emotion Coexist?

Can logic and emotion coexist?

There are many times that these two notions seem diametrically opposed.  And yet they do both exist in everyone.  But the balance and conflict between these concepts can be surreal at times.

First, a necessary clarification.  Logic, in this particular example, is thought and reason without emotion.  This includes the performance of any number of actions, tangible or otherwise, with no emotional entanglements.

To super-simplify this, the root of the issue is heart versus head.

Logic and EmotionI know a number of people who lead with their emotions.  Their actions are generally led first by emotion, then by reason.  They feel everything, sometimes for good, sometimes for ill.

Others, like me, tend to think first and emote later, if at all.  The head leads, thoughts and reason taking the forefront, and then, maybe, emotion.  We think everything, sometimes for good, sometimes for ill.

Thinkers versus feelers.  Head versus heart.  For a lot of people, these are a balanced equation.  For others, though, there is an obvious and definite dominance.  Finding balance between these can be majorly challenging.

What does this have to do with anything?  If logic is thought and emotion is feeling, then they each make up a third of the mathematical equation of conscious reality creation.

How’s that work?  Thought plus feeling plus intentional action equals manifestation.  Or, alternatively, reality consciously created.

The reason why this matters is this: As I analyze how come at times I have successfully used conscious reality creation to achieve what I desired, and stumbled at other times, the same issues come up.  The conclusion I reach is that there is an imbalance in the equation.  Since intentional action is borne of through and feeling, I presume the problem is in the thought and feeling aspects.

Logic and emotion, thought and feeling, out-of-balance

My mind just does not shut up.  I mean, on and on and on, my mind is always racing.  Logically, I know this is how it is for everyone.  This is all well-and-good, until my mind is constantly doubting, second-guessing, and otherwise impeding progress.

I am, first and foremost, a thinker.  I am really good at logic, reason, and striving for understanding.  This is probably evident in my nearly six-and-a-half years of these posts.  Pathwalking, which has evolved into the practice I employ in working on consciousness creating reality, is an ongoing exploration of the process.

Because the necessary equation for manifestation is thought, then feeling, then intentional action, when I look back at my known successes, it’s clear what happened.  For example, my recovery from being hit by the car all those years ago.  When the doctors said it would take me one to three YEARS to walk again, and that I may never totally recover, and may never fence again, I heard them out, but didn’t just accept their prognosis.

I fought every step of the way.  Full recovery was all I accepted.  I would be back on my feet, and healed as though I was never severely injured, period.  No other option, this was my thought, this was my feeling, and all my actions moved with this intent.  I stood my own two-feet seven months later, and unless I show you my impressive scar collection, you’d never know I was so badly hurt.

Yes, logically I know I had incredible doctors, the best possible care, and my overall constitution and resilience.  Yet I am completely certain it was my desire to consciously create reality, to restore myself beyond what the doctors said I should, that drove my healing.

How do I get logic and emotion in balance?

This is a powerful example of how I have manifested the life I desired working with thought, feeling, and intentional action to consciously create reality.  There have been other times that I have succeeded at this, but none illuminate the potential of this so brightly.

How come I find a lack of balance so frequently?  Because I get caught up in the thought aspect.  I know what it is I desire to create.  The thought is there.  Next I have to apply feeling.

This is where I run into my first problem.  How do I feel the positive feeling required for manifestation, without any accompanying doubt?  The tiny voice in my head, often logic or reason, sabotages the necessary feeling.  I have the thought, I know what the feeling should be to accompany it in order to move on to intentional action…but I can’t fully feel the emotion I need.

Manifesting reality requires commitment.  When it was my healing, no doubt stood in the way of my feeling.  Logic and emotion worked together, because I was firmly, totally, unwaveringly convinced that complete healing was the only possible outcome.  Nothing could shake me.

The thought is relatively easy in that.  It is the unwavering commitment, the unshakable feeling necessary to drive intentional action in order to generate manifestation that trips me up.  I know how I should feel.  But I cannot totally commit to the feeling.  I have doubt, I second guess.  Reason hamstrings emotion.

Logic and emotion can coexist.  I have done it before.  I can do it again.  The matter at hand is, how do I remove doubt from my feeling?

Is meditation the bridge between logic and emotion?

It is this question I need to put my focus on when I meditate.  I have found that the daily practice of meditation makes me feel better, stronger, more centered and grounded.  I frequently find the quieting of my mind that comes of meditation helps me.

The other thing I am working on is being more present in the here-and-now.  I am currently reading a book that speaks a great deal about this, and how being in the now helps us to better understand our true self.

Ergo, I am taking intentional actions in order to better balance logic and emotion.  Thanks for sticking with me as I explore this.

Do you think logic and emotion can coexist?


This is the three-hundred thirty-third entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas for, and my personal experiences with, walking along the path of life.  I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here.

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