The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Sexual equality

Heterosexuals and homosexuals are equals.  Period.

And it does not matter where people fall between these two extremes.  It does not matter if you are gay, straight, bi-sexual, omnisexual or asexual – everyone is equal.  That is the long and short of it.

In the 1920’s, there was a movement for equal rights for women.  In the 1960’s, there was a movement for equal rights for black people.  Now, there is a movement for equal rights for homosexuals.

It should not matter if you are a man who loves a man, a man who loves a woman, or a woman who loves a woman – if you want to share that love with the world and be married, you should have the right to be married.  I don’t care what church or other organized religion says it is wrong – marriage is an institution between the two people involved, and the standings of any religious organization should not enter into it.

I have been working in benefits administration for the past year, and in doing so, have learned one of the biggest ACTUAL reasons people oppose homosexual marriage: Money.  Of course, it’s all about money.

Taxes are different for married couples.  Retirement plan rules are different for married couples.  Health plan options are different for married couples.  A lot of these things save married couples money.  So, allowing this population to marry means that money will be lost.

But as with many things, the money issue is hidden under supposed moral, religious, and ethical qualms.  People use these intangibles in a cowardly deception to hide the fact that it’s all about the money.

And yes, I am certain some people DO oppose homosexual rights under moral, religious and ethical reasons.  But that does not mean that anyone has the right to deny people who are not heterosexual from marrying, or any other entitlements heterosexuals have.

In the interest of full disclosure – I am a straight male.  And I believe that just because someone feels a different type of attraction to other people than I do does not mean they should be denied the right to have, express, and openly show that to the world.

I am attracted to women.  Which is, I guess, ‘normal’.  But the so-called ‘alternative’ options not only do not offend me – they do not affect me.

Against gay marriage?  Don’t get one.  That does not give you the right to bar others from getting one.  In what way does allowing people who love one another ‘degrade’ the supposed ‘sanctity’ of marriage?  In what way does this lessen the ‘moral’ standing of the nation?

How many heterosexual marriages end in divorce?  How many heterosexuals marry two, three, four and even more times?  How are these things acceptable, but a man marrying a man or a woman marrying a woman not?  It is utterly illogical.

I acknowledge some religious organizations oppose homosexuality.  I know that some people simply have a moral opposition to it.  We are all entitled to our opinions, and our beliefs.  But what that DOES NOT give you the right to do is to oppress the beliefs of others.  Your way is your way – it is not superior, better than, or otherwise more right than that of anyone else.

The ‘Defense of Marriage Act’ is a travesty.  There is no reason to define marriage as strictly between a man and a woman, especially in a nation that prides itself on its diversity.  We are not a nation of one religion, one morality, one code – we are many.  And that does not give anyone the right to deny anyone the right to love whom they want, and to express that love.

And yes – I extend this to polyamory and polygamy.  Marriage is between the people who are involved in it – and if multiple women all agree to marry the same man, or a poly triad wants to be married together – why shouldn’t they be?

Love is never a bad thing.  And if two people, doesn’t matter their sexual preference, care to express that love by marrying – there is no valid reason at all why they should be denied this.  Keep your personal moral code to yourself – and stop interfering with the rights other people should be entitled to – even if they are different from you!  The world needs more love.

Heterosexuals and homosexuals and everyone in between these identities are equals.  Period.  The end.

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