The Ramblings of the Titanium Don


Today I am going to talk about energy.

I believe, and science largely confirms, that EVERYTHING in the universe, from the largest black hole to the smallest electron, is made of energy.  And energy cannot be created nor destroyed – it always IS, always will be, it just moves in and out of form, between the visible and the invisible, constantly moving, constantly shifting, both in synch with and apart from everything.  When Yoda stated that “luminous beings are we – not this crude matter” he was absolutely correct.  We are made of energy, and as such we are ALL connected.

So what, you may be wondering?  That is the key – so what?  The answer is that if we are ALL energy, and ALL connected – then everything we do has an effect on everyone and everything around us.  So if you are constantly putting out negative thoughts and negative feelings – negativity begets negativity.

I have seen for myself that you really do get what you put out in this life.  Sometimes that seems like a total crock of BS – but I really do believe that consciousness creates reality.  As such – when we are full of negative thinking and expectation of bad results – guess what you get?

This crosses into that whole hooky-spooky realm, and there are a lot of people that will consider this to be totally BS.  So let me ask you this, if you consider this a crock – how often are you FULLY conscious of your own thought process?  How often do you put intent in your thoughts, intent in your process, actions – versus how often do you just live life and let things HAPPEN?

Most of us just go with the flow – you get up, you go to work, you go home, you chill in front of the TV.  You let the pattern carry you along – you let life cycle YOU through your day.  And we watch the news, and listen to them tell us how awful the economy is, how lousy the job and housing markets are, how terrible the oil spill is – and as we cycle through the day with all these negative thoughts swirling about our heads and into our energies – negativity begets negativity.  So if we focus on the bad things happening around us, and the bad things we do not want – we get MORE, and they pile on.

This can be VERY hard to accept, frankly.  I mean, c’mon, really?  My inner skeptic calls shenanigans on this assertion.  Negativity begets negativity?  What kind of hippy-speak tree-hugging crap is that?

Ever notice that when you are in a good head space, and thinking about good things, good things come and happen?  Ever notice that when you are in a bad head space, and expecting bad things to happen, they usually do?  Consciousness, my friends, creates reality.

If we are all focusing on negative things, and all focusing on bad outcomes – do we not draw more of the same?  It is SO EASY to think negatively.  It is almost too easy to think about bad things, problems, complaints…and when we start down that path, its hard to get off of it.

What if we all think more positively?  What if we are more intentional in our thoughts, and work together to create more POSITIVE energies?  What if we focus on the good things we have in our lives, and not let the bad things happening in the world dominate our thought process?

I am going to issue you a challenge.  For the next week  – when you find yourself focusing on money woes, job woes, the destruction in the Gulf, or any other negative thing – catch yourself.  Take a moment to get ahold of the thought – and then LET IT GO.  Don’t dwell on it, don’t give it any energy – let it pass.  And then replace it with a GOOD thought – something that makes you happy.  Something that makes you feel good.  Take control and be intentional in your thinking.

I won’t lie to you – THIS IS HARD!  But I also believe that nothing worth having is easy.  I believe that if we think more positively, and more intentionally – we can make this a better world.

Thank you.  Someone pass the granola while I go hug a tree.  🙂

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