The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Crossing the Bridges: A Request for Feedback

I would like to take a different approach to my usual blogging, and request from you, dear reader, some feedback.

Over the years I have written about striving to find greater positivity in the world, and discovering and walking one’s own path.  This particular posting was created to explore more closely not just the journey, and how one can choose to take it, but more specifically MY journey.

Crossing the Bridges is where I share with you my very personal thoughts, feelings and actions I am taking to realize the life I want to live.  While my life is pretty good, I do not find pretty good to be good ENOUGH – I want great.

We are inundated with messages about how we should accept certain truths.  But when it comes to my own life, and the things I want for it, I want more.  Life is too short and too uncertain to just accept mediocrity…I want awesomeness.  I want to have the toys and make generous donations to worthy causes and inspire and entertain masses of people.  I want to wake up each day excited for what might be, and looking forward to all kinds of possibilities.

I would like to make a request of you, my readers, for some feedback.  As I am clarifying my vision and assembling my platforms and my brand, I keep getting stuck in the same place.  I have more than one end goal in sight, but I am not entirely certain how to reconcile them together.

Further, I get so caught up in the overall planning that I become overwhelmed, and get stuck trying to work out where to go from there.  I know that I want to go from here to there, but that’s going to require steps, and if there is more than one “there”, despite them having similarities and similar paths, I just don’t know where to begin or what steps or this or that or…

Thus I wind up in a vicious circle.  I need to strive to better chunk it down, examine the smaller parts and pieces, and work on steps along the way, rather than look to the end goal and wonder how in the hell I am going to get from here to there.

I have been striving to work this out for a while now, but the idea was presented to me that, rather than look for all the answers myself, why don’t I reach out to my readers and see what you might suggest?

Please take some time out of your day to respond to this survey.  It will probably take at least five minutes, which is why I am not asking you do to this without offering something in return.

As a reward, and a Thank You for responding to this survey, I will offer you one (1) of the following:

A signed copy of Five Easy Steps to Change the World (USA only) – or – Five (5) personalized haiku –or – Free editing for any document/web page/blog post/short story/poem/professional or trade publication up to 1000 words.

In your response, please choose the prize of your choice, and I will reply within the week for necessary arrangements to be made.

Please note – I reserve the right to reject responses and provide no prize.  Largely this would occur if the answers given are incomplete, monosyllabic or otherwise rude and insulting.  I do recognize these questions require more than a simple answer, which is why I am offering a reward for your response.


MJ Blehart’s survey:

  1. What do you know about me? Do you know me in person, or do we only know one another online?  Please tell me who you think I am in as much detail as you can.
  2. What do you want to see more of? Is there any particular work(s) you think I should give more of my time and attention to?
  3. What do you see as my brand? How would you describe my blog work and/or my works of fiction?
  4. Do you have any ideas for how I can market my works, and earn more income through my writing? Do you know a resource or a website I may not have considered?
  5. Can YOU offer me some form of assistance in marketing/sales? Networking can go a long ways towards connecting people and helping them reach their dreams.  I am not too proud to ask for help, because there are people I do not know, but that you might, who could assist me further in achieving the goals I have.

I want to create an incredible life, and it is my firm belief that writing, and the potential associated works with it, are the means to that end.  The time we have on this crazy, often insane planet is too short to not demand the most of it – and I can think of no reason not to create the most amazing and satisfying life I can.

Thank You for taking the time to reply to my survey.  I want to also thank you for reading me, whether its my blog posts, my works of fiction, or any combination therein.  And thank you for being MY inspiration.  Thank You for crossing the bridges between my worlds with me.


GOAL LOG – Week 3:

Diet:  Continuing with being mindful about what and how much I am eating.

Exercise: One day of fencing, one day at the gym.  REALLY need to work on this.

Writing:  The three blogs got written, and I did some work on the sci-fi story.

Meditation:  Only 2 days of mediation, never less than 4 minutes.

Gratitude: I wrote five things I was grateful for five days this week.


This is the seventeenth entry of my personal journey, the Crossing the Bridges series.  My collectively published writing can be found here.

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